Saturday, July 08, 2023

Why Electrify America Had No Choice But To Succumb To Tesla’s NACS Charging Might

A game-changer in the industry, NACS is a growing standard for EV charging. Discover why Electrify America succumbed to Tesla's charging might.

The electric vehicle (EV) revolution is in full swing, with automotive companies are battling for dominance in the market. In such a competitive segment, every bit of innovation counts. And the EV giant Tesla has added yet another feather to its decorated hat.

Electrify America recently announced its decision to incorporate NACS connectors into its charging stations. This move comes as a response to Tesla's growing influence in the electric cars market. The last few years have seen widespread adoption of their proprietary charging technology.

What exactly is NACS? We will dive into that and also take a closer look at why Electrify America had to succumb to Tesla's charging might, and what this spells for the EV charging landscape.

The Rise Of Tesla's North American Charging Standard (NACS)

NACS stands for North American Charging Standard. Previously known as the Tesla charging connector, it has emerged as an open-charging protocol. The NACS facilitates interoperability between various EVs and charging networks. Tesla introduced the NACS to support only their own line of electric vehicles.

But they soon recognized the importance of standardized charging infrastructure. This was also a high-potential business opportunity for the company.

While building an efficient charging network is challenging, Tesla was prompt in setting up a massive coast-to-coast charging network across the United States. They even established significant charging infrastructure in several developed nations where Tesla sold its EVs. This move set their business model apart from other traditional EV manufacturers.

The Tesla Model S launched in 2012 and was the first car to feature a proprietary charging connector. Since then, all their mainstream EVs have used the connector, from Model 3 to Model Y.

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Aptera Motors' Petition Catapulted NACS Towards Mainstream Adoption

In July 2022, Steve Fambro and Chris Anthony, the co-CEOs of Aptera, created a petition. Aptera is the world's first solar electric vehicle that requires no charging for most daily use. This petition urged Congress to mandate the Tesla connector and charging standard for new EVs in the United States. It received major support from EV enthusiasts, business leaders, and customers.

Everyone understood the importance of a global charging standard. Even though the petition didn't result in legislation right away, it continued the discussion about the necessity for standardized charging interfaces.

In November, four months after the petition, Aptera stated that it will be adopting the NACS connector. This decision made Aptera the first OEM to integrate Tesla's NACS charge port design into its solar EVs. It is worth noting that Aptera had not produced a single vehicle until then. This choice went on to show that the industry viewed NACS as a workable and promising charging standard.

It was around the same time that Tesla changed the name of its proprietary charging connector to NACS. The company opened the standard to make the specifications available to other manufacturers.

Tesla had already opened up their Superchargers to other EVs in 2021 when more players had entered and expanded the segment. The Musk-led company advocated the NACS to become the connector of choice for the industry and provided a lot of important reasons for it.

The first was that the NACS is compact. Second, Tesla's EVs outnumbered CCS-equipped vehicles by a margin of two to one. Third, Tesla's Supercharging network had more NACS posts than all CCS-equipped networks combined.

Tesla's Growing Influence And Electrify America's Response

What prompted Electrify America to incorporate the NACS into their charging stations? Tesla's charging might. The demand for more compatibility with their Supercharger network is another major reason. However, there have been problems using a Tesla Supercharger to charge non-Tesla EVs in the past.

Electrify America's move indicates its commitment to offering an inclusive, open, hyper-fast charging network. This is also seen as a catalyst for EV adoption in the long run. The majority of Tesla's North American Supercharger stations provide NACS connectors only. But the company launched the 'Magic Dock' connector in March 2023.

This innovative connector is compatible with almost all battery-electric vehicles (BEVs). It allows charging with either a NACS or CCS1 connector. Tesla also intends to equip many Supercharger stations across the U.S. with both connector types. They plan this by using infrastructure development grants offered by the U.S. Federal Government.

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Electrify America had the goal to expand charging options for EV drivers. The incorporation of the NACS connector is a major step in that direction. Their network includes more than 850 charging stations and 4,000 individual chargers across the U.S. and Canada. It has charging speeds of up to 350 kW, making it one of the quickest charging alternatives available in the industry.

Initial Criticism Of NACS Paved The Road To Standardization

CharIN (Charging Interface Initiative e. V.) made the Combined Charging System (CCS), a competing connector to Tesla's NACS. In 2022, it criticized Tesla's decision to name the connector the 'North American Charging Standard'. And the reason was valid.

CharIN claimed that the NACS had not gone through the necessary collaborative process. It had not applied for publication and recognition by a standards development organization. So naming a proprietary connector as the 'standard' was problematic. Later, CharIn admitted that while NACS does not use the CCS standard, it does the same standard communications protocol.

Within months, in June 2023, SAE International stated that it will begin the process of standardizing the NACS. SAE International is a globally recognized standards development organization. This advancement is an important step towards developing a uniform charging standard. NACS promotes interoperability and simplifies the charging experience for EV drivers.

Industry-wide Adoption And Future Implications

The last few years have seen significant leaps in electric vehicle charging stations. Now, the use of NACS connectors is widespread as well. As mentioned, it signifies the increasing relevance of interoperability between businesses.

The drive for standardization within the industry is also gaining traction. This spells great news for the fast-growing EV industry in the U.S. Electrify America's move to adopt NACS only solidifies Tesla's dominance.

In May this year, Ford announced the integration of NACS into its electric vehicles. New Ford EVs will have native NACS charging ports beginning in 2025. Earlier models will be able to connect to NACS chargers using a NACS-to-CCS adapter. The company has added the option to pay for Supercharger charging using the FordPass app.

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Moreover, General Motors, Rivian, Polestar, and Volvo all revealed intentions in June 2023 to equip their electric vehicles with NACS charge ports from the manufacturer beginning in 2025. The broad use of the NACS connector sets a new standard for EV charging infrastructure. It not only ensures standardization which will benefit the customer irrespective of their EV make but it is bound to improve the overall ease and accessibility.

It is only a matter of time before more manufacturers install the NACS connector and charging standard. All electric vehicle users will have a more accessible and convenient charging experience. Tesla has proved it reigns the EV segment for a reason.

They are spearheading innovations, from impressive heat pump technology to charging breakthroughs. The commitment of organizations like Electrify America only improves the health of the segment. In this light, the future of e-mobility appears quite promising.

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