Friday, August 04, 2023

Israeli Ministers Call to Annex West Bank, Suffocate Palestinian People

by M.S | DOP
August 2, 2023

On Wednesday, August 2, 2023, Israeli Heritage Minister Amichai Eliyahu called to annexe the occupied West Bank as soon as possible while extremist National Security Minster Itamar Ben Gvir called for tightening the screws on the Palestinians.

Eliyahu considered that the Green Line, which defines the lands occupied by the Israeli occupation in 1967, “does not exist and is imaginary.”

Extremist Ben Gvir told Israeli Army Radio that “sovereignty should be applied to the areas of Judea and Samaria – the Israeli name of the West Bank”, claiming “this is our land.”

Applying Israeli sovereignty, according to the definitions of the Israeli parties, is the annexation itself.

Ben-Ghafir considered that “Israeli settlers’ right to life preceded the Palestinians’ right to movement,” calling for restricting the Palestinian movement.

The Palestinian people suffer from ongoing Israeli restrictive measures and practices daily, as dozens of military checkpoints are established throughout Palestinian roads, embedding Palestinians’ movements.

According to Israeli statistics, over 700,000 Israeli settlers live in 146 Israeli settlements and 146 settlement outposts established on Palestinian land across the occupied West Bank, including occupied Jerusalem.

Israeli forces and settlers’ attacks against Palestinians have escalated, killing 200 Palestinian citizens, including 37 children and 11 women, so far in 2023, Palestinian figures reported.

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