Tuesday, August 08, 2023

Palestinian Foreign Ministry Welcomes Australian Government's New Position, Calls for Recognition of Palestinian State

AUGUST 08, 2023 |

The Palestinian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates welcomed the Australian government's declaration to officially resume using the term 'Occupied Palestinian Territories, Including East Jerusalem', in addition to referring to Israel's settlements in the West Bank as "illegal" and the territories as "occupied" under international law.

In a statement, the Palestinian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates commended this important development in the Australian position that is committed to international law and United Nations resolutions, and supportive of international efforts aimed at reviving the peace process in accordance with international peace references, foremost of which is the principle of the two-state solution.

The statement affirmed that the State of Palestine is still waiting for the Australian government to implement the decisions of the ruling Labor Party conference, which asked its government to recognize the State of Palestine, without delay or hesitation.

The Palestinian Foreign Ministry expressed its hope that this decision would be rapidly implemented, in line with the international law and international legitimacy, and in a way that reflects not only the position of the Labor Party and its members, but also the general position of the friendly Australian people, who support the just and legitimate rights of the Palestinian people, including Palestinians' right to embody this state on the 1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital.

Australian Foreign Minister Penny Wong had announced on Tuesday morning, before the Australian parliament, that her government will officially resume using the term 'Occupied Palestinian Territories, Including East Jerusalem,' in addition to referring to Israel's settlements as "illegal" and the territories as "occupied," in accordance with international law.

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