Monday, August 14, 2023

Spectacular Mount Etna eruption leads to flight cancellations from Catania

Andrea Vogt
Mon, 14 August 2023 

An eruption of lava from the volcano’s southeast crater

The airport at Catania in Sicily, a top Italian tourist destination, has halted all flights after a spectacular new eruption began on Sunday at nearby Mount Etna.

The eruption of lava from the volcano’s southeast crater - clearly visible on Sunday evening to Catania residents - produced a cloud of black volcanic ash that fell on the city, disrupting both air and vehicle traffic on Monday.

“Because of an eruption at Etna all departures and arrivals are cancelled until 1pm,” the airport said. However, Italian national news agency ANSA reported that the airport operator has confirmed the extension of the closure until 8pm.

City officials on Monday also banned bike and motorcycle traffic and reduced vehicle speeds to below 30 kilometres an hour due to the ash, which local residents are asked to collect and leave in small containers near their homes for removal.

The mayor of Linguaglossa, a small town on Etna’s flank, also issued an ordinance prohibiting excursions to the summit from the volcano’s north side.

Stranded tourists requested airlines provide information to clear up confusion about when flights will resume and how to reach their final destinations. Many planes, including seven Ryanair flights, were rerouted through Trapani, Comiso and Palermo.

Crowds form at Catania Airport in Sicily after flight cancellations - Joann Randles/Cover Images

At 3,324 metres (nearly 11,000 feet), Etna is the tallest active volcano in Europe and has erupted frequently in the past 500,000 years.

An eruption earlier this year closed the airport on May 21.

The latest incident did not occur without warning. Observers at Italy’s National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology took photos of Etna making large vapour rings from the new open vent in the summit crater last week and noted increased seismic activity.

Last year around 10 million passengers transited through the airport, which services the eastern part of Sicily. Authorities said travellers should contact their airlines and monitor the airport website.

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