Saturday, September 02, 2023


 Sep 1, 2023  #GlobalNews #Canada #climate

The unprecedented wildfire season in 2023 has shown Canadians just how urgent it is to address the climate crisis, and new poll numbers show the majority of people want to see Ottawa move more quickly on environmental policy.

Ipsos polling, conducted on behalf of Global News, found nearly three in five Canadians agree that Ottawa will fail Canadians if it does not act urgently on climate change. But that also comes with 35 per cent of Canadians agreeing now is not the time to invest in climate change due to tough economic circumstances brought on by inflation. 

The survey comes weeks after Alberta placed a six-month moratorium on wind and solar energy project approvals, with only about one in four in Alberta agreeing with the stance that Canada has to do more to address climate change.

With more than 15.6 million hectares burned across the country so far this year, Kyle Benning has more on what might be ahead for green investments.

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