Tuesday, September 05, 2023


Cardiac arrest survival at EMS agencies in catchment areas with primarily Black and Hispanic populations

JAMA Internal Medicine

Peer-Reviewed Publication


About The Study: Risk-standardized survival rates for out-of-hospital cardiac arrest were 1.9% lower at emergency medical service (EMS) agencies working in Black and Hispanic catchment areas than in white catchment areas in this study including 764 EMS agencies. This difference was not explained by EMS response times, rates of EMS termination of resuscitation, or first responder rates of initiating cardiopulmonary resuscitation or applying an automated external defibrillator. These findings suggest there is a need for further assessment of these discrepancies. 

Authors: Paul S. Chan, M.D., M.Sc., Saint Luke’s Hospital Mid America Heart Institute in Kansas City, is the corresponding author.

To access the embargoed study: Visit our For The Media website at this link https://media.jamanetwork.com/


Editor’s Note: Please see the article for additional information, including other authors, author contributions and affiliations, conflict of interest and financial disclosures, and funding and support.

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