Tuesday, October 24, 2023


Cuban children harmed by U.S. economic blockade

Luanda, October 24, 2023.- Arelys Santana, president of the Commission of Attention to Youth, Children and Equal Rights of Women of the Cuban Parliament, denounced today the damages caused by the US blockade.

During the debate on a proposed resolution on The role of parliaments in the fight against child trafficking in orphanages, as part of the 147th Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union, the Cuban representative said that Cuba supports the document that seeks to prevent this phenomenon.

In Cuba nothing is more important than a child, Santana stressed, who remarked that although this is not an issue that occurs in Cuba, the nation supports all efforts in this regard and remains vigilant about possible manifestations.

She pointed, however, to the U.S. economic blockade policy as the main obstacle to the full development of children in Cuba, as it limits the lives of Cubans in all areas.

She expressed her gratitude to the parliamentarians of the world who year after year accompany Cuba at the United Nations to condemn this cruel policy from Washington, which for more than six decades has had an impact on the human rights of the Cuban people.


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