Friday, October 27, 2023

Governor hopeful quoted Hitler and downplayed the Holocaust in unearthed posts: Report

Lieutenant governor of North Carolina and a leading Republican candidate for governor, Mark Robinson, quoted Hitler and downplayed the Holocaust in an unearthed Facebook post, according to a new report.

Robinson has a long history of regurgitating antisemitic conspiracy theories and downplaying of the Holocaust, according to Jewish Insider. But at a press conference two weeks ago, he denied that he is antisemitic

Robinson said his past social media posts had been dealt with and he had "moved past" them.

But he has been hit with new accusations that, in a Facebook post, he quoted Hitler and suggested the horror of the Holocaust wasn't as bad as the abuses of communism. He also compared the removal of Confederate statues to anti-Jewish pogroms in 1930s Europe, the Jewish Insider reported.

“We often speak of the 'appeasement’ of Hitler. But the biggest ‘appeasement’ of ALL TIME is how we turned a blind eye to the clear and present danger of MARXISM,” Robinson said in a post from 2019.

“It is EXTREMELY distressing that many well-meaning and intelligent people are so focused on long dead Hitler while the living political descendants of Stalin are currently fighting to destroy our REPUBLIC,” he wrote in a separate post days earlier.

Some GOP activists are worried that the discovery of more comments will hurt Robinson's chances of winning the governor race.

"The lieutenant governor, whom polls show as the front-runner, is now facing five Republican primary challengers, including Bill Graham, a wealthy trial lawyer who announced his campaign last week, vowing to spend millions of his own money," Jewish Insider reported. "The winner is expected to face off against a Jewish Democrat, Josh Stein, who is the state’s attorney general. Gov. Roy Cooper, a Democrat, is term-limited."

Read the full report over at Jewish Insider.

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