Thursday, October 05, 2023

'Idiot': Marine widow Dem rep blasts John Kelly for condemning Trump after siding with him

John Kelly, President-elect Donald Trump's choice for Secretary of Homeland Security, at his confirmation hearing. Image via Creative Commons.
October 04, 2023

After former White House Chief of Staff John Kelly criticized ex-President Donald Trump in a statement to CNN Tuesday, October 3, over the MAGA hopeful's "disparaging comments about military families and veterans behind closed doors," the ex-Trump staffer is receiving criticism from United States Rep. Fredricka Wilson (D-FL), Politico reports.

Referring to ex-President Donald Trump, Kelly told CNN, "A person that did not want to be seen in the presence of military amputees because 'it doesn’t look good for me' … and rants that our most precious heroes who gave their lives in America's defense are ‘losers’ and wouldn’t visit their graves in France."

According to Politico, "Five years earlier, Kelly defended the former president and attacked Wilson. At the time, Kelly accused Wilson of being 'selfish' for calling Trump's comments to the widow of a fallen Marine insensitive. Trump had told the widow her husband 'must have known what he signed up for' a comment Wilson overheard because she was nearby with the grieving family."

The Democratic lawmaker emphasized, "This is personal. This has to do with my feelings and my name. I don't want generations of children, years from now, to pick up a book or read an article about me and John Kelly and I’m misrepresented."

"Mr. Kelly is an idiot," Wilson said. "He's an idiot for selling his soul for so long to a man who he knew was lying, a man who he knew who was disrespectful to military families, to Gold Star families, to widows, to members of Congress — anything that had to do with the military."

The Florida leader added, "He knew Mr. Trump's record. For him to stand in the White House behind the podium and lie — he's an idiot and he should be ashamed of himself."

Politico's full report is available at this link.

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