Wednesday, October 11, 2023


Police seek to assure Sask. village residents that cult camped there poses no imminent danger

Story by Dayne Patterson •

The people of Richmound are tense and anxious about members of a cult who are living at a former school in the village, according to the Saskatchewan RCMP.

But police say that despite issuing threats of public execution, the group does not pose an "imminent threat."

The group is led by Romana Didulo, who is known as a far-right QAnon conspiracy theorist but has dubbed herself the "Queen of Canada," among other titles, including the national Indigenous leader.

Didulo has amassed thousands of followers through social media, particularly on Telegram, a messaging app that has grown in popularity with the far right. She has also published hundreds of what she calls decrees, which cover topics like immigration, vaccine mandates and sexual education — with penalties that range from fines to death. 

The mobile RCMP detachment has been deployed to Richmound to manage rising tension among residents and a cult group housed in the former village school building. (Brad Miller)© Provided by

"The emotional climate in the community was escalated just in terms of opposition to the presence of this particular group," Chief Supt. Tyler Bates of the RCMP's south district management team told CBC Wednesday. 

He spoke from inside a mobile detachment that was brought to the village on Friday in response to the group's presence. 

Recommended video: 'Queen of Canada' cult threatens Sask. village with public executions (   Duration 2:24   View on Watch

The RCMP expected that rising tension could lead to conflict, which is why they located the mobile detachment there. Bates said their predictions were correct, and police are now investigating an alleged assault "associated to this particular issue and the tension that exists." 

On Tuesday, there was a town hall at the Richmound Community Centre where RCMP tried to assure residents their safety was a priority as they investigate criminal complaints.

Richmound is located less than 20 kilometres from the Alberta border and is home to 118 people. Without the mobile detachment, the nearest RCMP response would come from Leader, Sask., about a 45-minute drive away, according to Bates. 

"We are here and we are present and we are responsive immediately," he said.

Didolu's group arrived about a month ago. Residents in Kamsack forced the cult out of their town in mid-September before the group was invited by the owner of the former Richmound School building to settle there.

Richmound villagers tried the same tactic those in Kamsack had used, protesting with signs and parading their cars near the school. They hoped to force the group to leave, but were unsuccessful.

Last week, followers of Didulo sent village administration at least four "cease and desist" emails, according to Richmound Mayor Brad Miller. 

They accused the mayor, village councillors, members of the fire department, RCMP and others of corruption, bullying and stalking — and threatened public execution for those found guilty of "crimes against humanity" or "treason."

"Whenever you have opposing perspectives and factions that escalate into threats and violence, there's always the possibility of escalation of criminality, so certainly we're taking that seriously," Bates said.

Bates said no charges have been laid but investigations are continuing.

Bates also said he couldn't comment on how long the RCMP would be in Richmound because it depends on different factors, such as ensuring the village is safe and completing ongoing investigations. 

Rise of the ‘Queen’: A Saskatchewan Village in Turmoil Over QAnon-Influenced Occupation

Provided by BNN Breaking

The tranquility of the small village of Richmound in Saskatchewan has been disrupted by a group of QAnon-aligned followers, led by a woman who refers to herself as the ‘Queen of Canada.’ This group, under the leadership of Romana Didulo, has occupied a private building and caused widespread alarm by issuing threats of public execution to residents and officials.

Unraveling the Didulo-led Crisis

The Didulo-led group, which boasts thousands of followers, has been active on social media, issuing decrees on a wide range of topics including immigration, vaccine mandates, and sexual education. The penalties for non-compliance, as stated by the group, can be as severe as death. The group’s activities escalated about a month ago when they arrived in Richmound after being expelled from another town. The occupiers have since sent threatening emails to the village administration, accusing officials of corruption and treason.

This ordeal has necessitated the intervention of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), which has deployed a mobile detachment to manage the escalating tension in the community. The RCMP is also investigating an alleged assault connected to the situation.

A Community Held Hostage

The RCMP’s involvement underscores the severity of the threats and the fear it has instilled in the village. The authorities are taking the threats seriously, and investigations are ongoing. The longevity of the group’s presence in Richmound hinges on the completion of these investigations and the restoration of safety within the village.

Residents have expressed growing concern over their safety and the potential impact of this crisis on their community. The seemingly relentless threats have left many villagers feeling besieged in their own homes. The village, which was once known for its calm and peacefulness, is now grappling with an unfamiliar wave of fear and uncertainty.

The ‘Queen of Canada’ and Her QAnon Ties

Didulo’s self-proclaimed title of ‘Queen of Canada’ and her association with the QAnon movement has drawn attention from national and international media. QAnon, a conspiracy theory born on the fringes of the internet, has been linked to several violent incidents in the past, raising concerns about the potential for further unrest in Richmound.

While the QAnon movement has been largely discredited, it continues to hold sway over a significant number of people. The situation in Richmound is a stark reminder of the enduring influence of such conspiracy theories and their potential to incite fear and chaos.

Looking Ahead: The Quest for Resolution

The situation in Richmound remains volatile, with the future uncertain. What is clear, however, is the urgent need for a resolution that ensures the safety and wellbeing of the village’s residents. As the RCMP continues its investigations, the villagers of Richmound wait in anticipation, hoping for a swift and peaceful resolution to this crisis.

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