Thursday, October 05, 2023

Secret files reveal 55 sailors died on Chinese submarine caught in trap meant for UK subs

Story by Sian Elvin •1d

A UK report suggested the vessel got stuck in a trap intended to capture British sub-surface ships (Picture: Reuters)© Provided by Metro

Dozens of Chinese seamen are presumed dead after their nuclear submarine apparently became trapped in the Yellow Sea.

A UK report seen by MailOnline suggested the vessel got stuck in a trap intended to capture British and US sub-surface ships.

It is thought the captain of the submarine was killed alongside 21 other officers after its oxygen system failed.

The report reads: ‘Intelligence reports that on August 21 there was an onboard accident whilst carrying out a mission in the Yellow Sea.

‘Incident happened at 08.12 local resulting in the death of 55 crew members: 22 officers, 7 officer cadets, 9 petty officers, 17 sailors. Dead include the captain Colonel Xue Yong-Peng.

‘Our understanding is death caused by hypoxia due to a system fault on the submarine. The submarine hit a chain and anchor obstacle used by the Chinese Navy to trap US and allied submarines.

‘This resulted in systems failures that took six hours to repair and surface the vessel. The onboard oxygen system poisoned the crew after a catastrophic failure.’

Where the submarine is understood to have got caught in a trap (Picture:© Provided by Metro

Beijing has officially denied the loss of the Chinese PLA Navy submarine 093-417, dismissing speculation as ‘completely false’.

It is also understood China also refused to request international assistance during the incident.

There has not yet been independent confirmation of the loss of the vessel.

A British submariner said: ‘It is plausible that this occurred and I doubt the Chinese would have asked for international support for obvious reasons.

‘If they [the crew] were trapped on the net system and the submarine’s batteries were running flat, then eventually the air purifiers and air treatment systems could have failed.

‘Which would have reverted to secondary systems and subsequently and plausibly failed to maintain the air. Which led to asphyxia or poisoning.

‘We [the Royal Navy] have kit which absorbs CO2 and generates oxygen in such a situation. It is probable that other nations do not have this kind of tech.’

The Royal Navy declined to comment.


Concerns Chinese submarines not operating professionally in ‘geo-political tinderbox’ 

 Sky News
 Australia Oct 4, 2023 

Former submariner Rex Patrick says it can be difficult to grow a navy quickly and retain average experience right across the fleet as concerns are raised over reports a Chinese submarine suffered 55 deaths in its own underwater trap. UK intelligence agency sources allege the submarine became stuck in a ‘chain and anchor’ trap underwater in an event which took place in the past month. “This incident may be a signal that the Chinese government ought to be taking notice of,” Mr Patrick told Sky News Australia. “This raises concerns about when you’ve got a submarine force that is not operating as professionally as one might hope, it can cause incidents. “The South China Sea is becoming very filled with foreign military submarines and it is a geo-political tinderbox.” 

Chinese Submarine Caught In FATAL Trap
 | Breaking News With The Enforcer
  Oct 3, 2023
 A Chinese submarine was involved in a fatal accident killing 55 crewmembers after a classified British report was leaked to the public. Chinese authorities deny the accident happened, but the British report goes into great depth on the details of the accident. Kosovo still reports heavy Serbian force build ups along their border, and More KFOR forces are entering the region. A Russian attack was devastated today after losing 4 tanks and an APC within a few hours of battle.


 Did China's Nuke Sub Crash in Taiwan Strait Killing All Onboard? Rumours or Catastrophe Cover Up?

 Aug 24, 2023 
 A Chinese nuclear submarine is suspected to have crashed in the Taiwan strait that separates Taiwan from mainland China. These unconfirmed reports come just days after Beijing launched military drills around the island in a "stern warning" to Taiwan and the US. Reports claim one of China's Type 093 or "Shang-class” nuclear submarines recently crashed in unknown circumstances. Some reports even claim that all crew members onboard the vessel have been killed. Some versions claim China’s Type 093 attack nuclear-powered sub met with an accident, while others suspect an attack. What could have gone wrong with China’s nuke sub?  


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