Tuesday, October 03, 2023

This was probably John Kelly's 'final straw' with Trump: CNN's Jake Tapper
Matthew Chapman
October 3, 2023 

White House Chief of Staff John Kelly

Former President Donald Trump's one-time Chief of Staff and Secretary of Homeland Security John Kelly remained silent for years, both in and out of office, as his former boss attacked the troops — but he finally crossed a line that Kelly could no longer tolerate, said CNN's Jake Tapper on Tuesday.

This comes as Kelly is going public to confirm many of Trump's most controversial remarks disparaging servicemembers.

"Jake, the significance of this in normal times, former Chief of Staff coming out saying things on the record, is dramatic," said anchor Phil Mattingly. "In this past administration, so many people have come out and said so many things and confirmed lots of stuff. But this was different. John Kelly was different. Why?"

"I think what was the final straw for Kelly — and I've been talking to Kelly, I've known him for a long time, since before even he was the Department of Homeland Security Secretary," said Tapper. "And I think what — I'm assuming here. I'm interpreting. This is not a statement of fact. But I think if I may speculate, I think the statement about executing Mark Milley might have been the final straw for him."

"He's really been very upset about what Trump has been saying," Tapper continued. "Trump is disparaging of Gold Star families, disparaging of wounded veterans, disparaging of soldiers who gave their lives in World War I, has been very upsetting for him for years and years and years. But I think the comments about Mark Milley, who served his country honorably for 40 years, the threatening to execute him, and then, in Kelly's view, he thinks that Trump saying that publicly is basically a call to arms, a hope that one of Trump's followers will then take action against General Milley. And I think that probably is what pushed him over the edge to finally come forward and give this blistering commentary about what he thinks about Trump."

"When you read the comments — I mean, these are the comments of a patriot, of a soldier, of a Marine," added Tapper. "The comments of a conservative Republican. This is not him outflanking Trump on the left. But he is very, very disappointed."

 Trump supporters cheer execution threats against Milley: 'Why was he not before a firing squad?'

Travis Gettys
October 3, 2023 

NBC News

Donald Trump suggested that Gen. Mark Milley deserved execution for "treason," and the former president's fans heard his message loud and clear.

The ex-president – currently the GOP frontrunner – claimed last month the recently retired chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff would have faced death "in times gone by" for reassuring a Chinese general there were no plans to attack during the chaotic last days of Trump's administration, and supporters outside an Iowa campaign rally told NBC News they agreed.

“Treason is treason," said Trump supporter Vicky Entseminger. "There’s only one cure for treason: being put to death.”

Cynthia Yockey, a Trump supporter at his event in Ottumwa, told the network she was disappointed that Milley hadn't already been executed.

“Why was he not in there before a firing squad within a month?” Yockey said.

Some of the former president's fans thought his comments about Milley were inappropriate, but that hadn't shaken their support.

“It’s way too far, it’s way too far,” said Barbara Hadener, who voted for Trump in 2016 and 2020 and still plans to back him next year.

But most of the supporters who agreed to speak on camera agreed with Trump's comments about his former top military adviser.

“We used to execute or imprison people for all the treasonous actions I see,” said Rob Dannels, a registered Republican from Oskaloosa. “Now, in this day and age, it’s just throw it underneath the rug."

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