Friday, October 13, 2023

Trump is slamming Israel and babbling about Barack Obama. Who would vote for that mess?

Each day Trump shows independent voters and Republicans who still value sane leadership why he should never be allowed within 10 square miles of the White House.

Rex Huppke
OCT 13,2023

Former president and current criminal defendant Donald Trump, the front-runner in the GOP presidential primary, is getting worse.

I realize that’s a mighty high bar for him to clear, but he’s doing it, each day showing independent voters and Republicans who still value sane leadership why he should never be allowed within 10 square miles of the White House.

In the wake of the hideous Hamas attack on Israel, with American lawmakers and both sides of the aisle pledging full support for our ally, Trump’s political instincts told him to slam Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and say: “Israel was not prepared.”

Trump criticizes Israel then praises Hezbollah. Whose side is he on?

Trump then praised the terrorist organization Hezbollah, which on Wednesday was attacking Israel along its northern border.

“You know, Hezbollah is very smart,” Trump said. “They’re all very smart.”

MAGA loyalists’ minds won’t be changed by anything, but those voters also won’t be enough, should Trump win the GOP nomination, to get him back into office. He’ll need to win over independents and even some moderate Republicans who put country over party while making headway with the ever-growing number of Generation Z voters who, based on recent elections, broadly reject Trump's MAGA movement.

How is he going to do all that when he's running around the country insulting an ally reeling from an unspeakable terror attack and generally sounding like his brain has turned to oatmeal?

After horrific Hamas attack on Israel,Biden acts presidential while Republicans act like fools.
Trump's insensitive Israel comments are just the start of his recent madness

Consider an assortment of baffling/disturbing comments Trump has made in speeches and on social media just in recent weeks.

He has repeatedly misidentified President Joe Biden as former President Barack Obama, recently saying at a rally “you take a look at Obama and look at some of the things he’s done” and then, in an interview this week about Biden’s response to the attack on Israel, saying, “It’s all coming through Iran, and Obama, he doesn’t want to talk about it. ... He doesn’t even mention them in a statement.”

The Fox News interviewer had to correct him afterward.

Trump can't keep Jeb Bush and George W. Bush straight ...

In another recent interview, Trump said: “We have the worst education almost in the large world, the world that people know about.” As opposed to the large world people don’t know about?

He said at a rally that the U.S. Capitol “looks like sh-t.”

Referring to Jeb Bush, Trump said: “He got us into the Middle East. How did that work out?” It was President George W. Bush who “got us into the Middle East.”
... much less Joe Biden and Barack Obama

In a Sept. 15 speech in Washington, D.C., Trump suggested Biden will lead America into World War II, which ended in 1945: “We have a man who is totally corrupt and the worst president in the history of our country, who is cognitively impaired, in no condition to lead and is now in charge of dealing with Russia and possible nuclear war. Just think of it, we would be in World War II very quickly if we’re going to be relying on this man.”

When questioning someone’s lucidity, it’s generally best to sound lucid yourself.

Do independent voters want a president echoing the words of Hitler?

Late last month at a rally, Trump mocked Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and her husband, who was brutally attacked and beaten in their home last year.

“We’ll stand up to crazy Nancy Pelosi, who ruined San Francisco – how’s her husband doing, anybody know?” Trump said as the crowd laughed. “And she’s against building a wall at our border, even though she has a wall around her house – which obviously didn’t do a very good job.”

Biden is too old.And so is Trump. As a Gen Z voter, I want younger candidates.

Speaking of immigrants, Trump said in an interview earlier this month: “It is a very sad thing for our country. It’s poisoning the blood of our country.”

That language mirrors lines in Adolf Hitler’s “Mein Kampf” and is in line with the way white supremacists discuss immigrants.
Face it, the drunk at the end of the bar is making more sense than Trump

Trump has said recently that forest fires could be prevented “if you dampen your forests.”

He said anyone who robs a store should be shot – “If you rob a store you can fully expect to be shot as you are leaving that store. Shot!”

And in a Florida speech this week, he went on this rant (I’ve used all-caps and phonetic spelling to illustrate the pronunciation of words he loudly emphasized): “Instead of keeping terrorists and terrorist sympathizers out of America, the Biden administration is inviting them in. You know why, because he’s got a boss. Who’s his boss? Barack HOO-SANE Obama. Barack Hoo-sane Obama. You remember the great Rush Limbaugh, Barack Hoo-SANE Obama. He’d go, Barack Hoo-SANE Obama.”

While Republicans question Biden's age, Trump appears to be losing it

Petty criticism of Israel (Trump remains mad at Netanyahu because the prime minister accepted that Biden won the 2020 election), violent rhetoric, mixing up the names of political rivals, mocking an attack on a lawmaker’s spouse and generally sounding like the town drunk slouched at the end of the bar airing conspiratorial grievances. And that’s only a small sample of Trump’s madness over the past few weeks.

Setting aside his two impeachments, his incitement of an attack on the U.S. Capitol, his election denialism and the 91 state and federal felony charges he faces, I have to ask independents and on-the-fence Republicans alike: Would you actually vote for that mess? Is that really the best the Republican Party can offer America and the world?

People will keep taking swipes at Biden’s age, though Trump is only three years younger. But if you listen and pay attention to the former president, you’ll see a profoundly unhinged man teetering on a full separation from reality.

The ham has slipped off his sandwich. It’s time to stop pretending otherwise.

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