Wednesday, October 11, 2023

University of Calgary Academics Demand Public Inquiry Into Alberta Energy Regulator

Provided by BNN Breaking

The Alberta Energy Regulator (AER), a body responsible for overseeing the province’s extensive oil and gas activities, has been put under the microscope as academics at the University of Calgary call for a public inquiry into its operations. Their recently published report criticizes AER’s relationship with the industry it regulates and its management of environmental liabilities, adding fuel to the ongoing debate about how best to manage Alberta’s lucrative, yet environmentally fraught, energy resources.
A Controversial Relationship

The report alleges that the AER has consistently favored industry interests over the public good. It criticizes the regulator for its lack of transparency and discretion in enforcing environmental requirements. The authors of the report argue that there is a dire need for increased information and accountability regarding the AER’s actions and its handling of environmental liabilities.

The Orphan Well Fund Under Scrutiny

The academics also took a critical stance towards the Orphan Well Fund, an industry-funded group responsible for the reclamation of wells that have no owner. The report indicates that the operation of this fund lacks sufficient transparency and accountability, raising concerns about its effectiveness and the potential for conflicts of interest.

Related video: Alberta Energy Regulator followed rules in mine wastewater release, report finds (  Duration 2:03   View on Watch

Addressing Environmental Liabilities

At the heart of this controversy is the handling of growing environmental liabilities in Alberta. The province’s oil and gas sector has been struggling with a growing number of orphaned wells, which pose significant environmental risks if not properly managed. The report calls for a more robust and transparent approach to address these liabilities, which are currently estimated to be in the billions of dollars.
Implications and Future Directions

If the calls for a public inquiry are heeded, it could lead to significant changes in how the Alberta energy sector is regulated. This could potentially impact the oil and gas industry, environmental stewardship, and public trust in regulatory bodies. As Alberta continues to grapple with the challenges posed by its energy wealth, the way it manages and regulates its resources will undoubtedly remain a topic of intense scrutiny.

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