Sunday, October 15, 2023


Anti-Chavismo organizes electoral material abroad eight days before primaries

Caracas, Oct 14 (EFE).- The Venezuelan opposition is organizing the electoral material abroad to celebrate the primaries next Sunday, October 22, in which the standard bearer of anti-Chavismo for the presidential elections 2024 will be defined, informed this Saturday by the commission in charge of the internal elections.

Through the social network X (formerly Twitter), the National Primary Commission (CNP) pointed out that the local committees created to work on the organization of the elections in 80 cities of 30 countries “are already organizing the electoral material.”

It indicated that, in the last weeks, more than 7,000 Venezuelans abroad “were trained to be table members, witnesses, and volunteers” in the primaries, whose number of candidates was reduced from 13 to 10 since last Sunday, with the resignations of Henrique Capriles, on October 8, and of Freddy Superlano and Roberto EnrĂ­quez yesterday, Friday.

On the other hand, the CNP informed, through X, of a working meeting held this Saturday with representatives of the Plataforma Unitaria Democrática (PUD), which groups several opposition parties, to “present the status of the logistic and human deployment of the process.”

With eight days left for the internal elections, several anti-Chavistas have invited citizens inside and outside the country through social networks to verify the voting center that corresponds to them, of the 3,008 enabled in the nation and the 87 abroad.

The PUD said on Thursday that it is ready to celebrate the primary elections and that the “only thing missing is that people participate.” EFE


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