Sunday, November 12, 2023

President Zelenskyy signs fresh 90-day martial law extension bill

The New Voice of Ukraine
Thu, November 9, 2023 

Zelensky approves new terms of martial law

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has approved another extension of martial law in Ukraine, according to a relevant decree published on the website of the head of state on Nov. 6.

Martial law will be extended from 5.30 a.m. on Nov. 16 for 90 days – until Feb. 14, 2024.

Read also: Former Aidar leader warns Ukraine fighting troop shortages, mobilization not offsetting mounting casualties

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs was instructed to inform the UN Secretary General and foreign officials about this. They will also be informed about the restrictions on the rights and freedoms of citizens during the period of martial law in Ukraine, which is a deviation from the obligation under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.

The Verkhovna Rada voted on Nov. 8 for the ninth time to extend martial law and general mobilization in Ukraine for another 90 days.

Read also: Ukraine runs out of volunteers to mobilize, journalist says

Martial law was declared in Ukraine after the start of Russia's full-scale invasion. At the same time, general mobilization was announced.

During the general mobilization, all citizens of Ukraine liable for military service aged 18 to 60 can be called up for military service, unless they have legal grounds for deferment or exclusion from military registration.

The New Voice of Ukraine


Ukraine extends martial law, mobilization until Feb. 14

Dinara Khalilova, The Kyiv Independent news desk
Thu, November 9, 2023 

President Volodymyr Zelensky signed into law on Nov. 9 two bills extending martial law and general mobilization for another 90 days.

The two measures have been prolonged until Feb. 14, 2024.

The president first declared martial law and general mobilization on Feb. 24, 2022, when Russia started its full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

This is the ninth time Ukraine has extended martial law since then.

Under martial law, Ukrainian men aged between 18 and 60, with some exceptions, are not allowed to leave the country as they may be called up for military service.

The Digital Transformation Ministry's head Mykhailo Fedorov said on Oct. 30 that the ministry was working on the so-called "smart mobilization" project aimed at recruiting military specialists on a voluntary basis.

The pilot phase of the project, expected to be launched within the next two months, will focus on finding drone operators for Ukraine's Armed Forces, the official explained.

 Kyiv Independent.

It's both a great time and a terrible time for Volodymyr Zelenskyy to have an election

Matthew Loh
Fri, November 10, 2023 

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy during joint press conference with President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen on November 4, 2023 in Kyiv, Ukraine.
Viktor Kovalchuk/Global Images Ukraine via Getty Images

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has an 81% approval rating, according to a Gallup poll.

But he's declared that Ukraine won't hold a wartime election.

An election in the near future would be disastrous for Ukraine's democracy, experts say.

On Monday, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy announced that he wouldn't support elections while Kyiv is at war.

His statement put to rest questions that arose when foreign allies, such as South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham, suggested Ukraine hit the polls amid the war.

But the Ukrainian president's speech on Monday was loud and clear: no election.

"We must realize that now is the time of defense, the time of battle that determines the fate of the state and people, not the time of manipulations, which only Russia expects from Ukraine," he said. "I believe that now is not the right time for elections."

An election in the near future could technically be great for Zelenskyy, who holds a staggering 81% personal approval rating in Ukraine. That's according to a 2023 Gallup public opinion poll released on October 9.

Still, experts on wartime politics and a Ukrainian election watchdog said Zelenskyy's decision to delay the election makes sense. War should be the focus, and holding an election now would undermine Ukraine's democracy instead of upholding it, they said.

"Elections and war are incompatible," Opora, a Ukrainian civil society that monitors elections, told Insider.

Insider examined three key questions relating to Ukraine's wartime election season.
Can Zelenskyy delay or call for an election?

No, according to the Ukrainian constitution and electoral code. As the president of Ukraine, Zelenskyy has neither the power to cancel elections nor call them. That authority rests with the Ukrainian parliament.

But the country is currently under martial law, which prohibits the holding of elections and all political activity.

Zelenskyy was clear about this in a May interview with The Washington Post.

"If we have martial law, we cannot have elections," he said. "The constitution prohibits any elections during martial law. If there is no martial law, then there will be."

Ukrainian leadership must extend martial law every 90 days, and Zelenskyy just signed bills extending martial law until February 14, 2024.

Zelenskyy, who was elected in March 2019, would have been set to bid for reelection in a presidential race early next year.

"Of course, everyone understands that a range of civil rights are legally limited when martial law is imposed," Opora said. Under martial law, people can't hold mass gatherings like political rallies and have to abide by curfews.

"However, such restrictions are necessary in the warring country, and similar legal norms exist in many democratic states," the civil society added.
Why is Ukraine delaying the election?

For one, most Ukrainians don't want an election now.

"There have been nine surveys now where the public has in representative samples been asked whether they want elections during the war, and 65 to 80% have clearly answered that they cannot see elections happening during war," Peter Erben, Ukraine country director for The International Foundation for Electoral Systems, or IFES, said on October 26.

"I think we should listen to the Ukrainian public in this regard," he added.

Over 100 Ukrainian NGOs have signed a statement saying a wartime election is not feasible. The appeal, led by Opora, warned that "elections during the active phase of the war are extremely dangerous."

A country under martial law has little room for opposition campaigning or fair political media coverage, Opora told Insider. And with a war ongoing and millions of Ukrainians displaced, a significant number of voters won't show up to the polls, it added.

"In turn, the president would obviously be able to win the election now given the high level of support, but if there is no secure process on voting day, the low turnout will delegitimize the government as a whole," the civil group said.

A wartime election in Ukraine would also be rare, if not unprecedented, in modern Europe, Helmut Norpoth, a professor emeritus at Stony Brook University's department of political science, told Insider.

"Logic would probably dictate, even in a democracy, to postpone an election, which is sort of inherently divisive and partisan when you're trying to fight external enemies," said Norpoth, whose work focuses on elections and wartime politics.

Almost all modern democracies have delayed elections when enemy troops are on their soil, he said.

The only major exception in the world, Norpoth said, has been the US, which held elections during significant conflicts like the Civil War, the War of 1812, and World War II.
What would a wartime election look like?

If Ukraine did move forward with a wartime election, it would face a laundry list of serious challenges, the experts said.

Erben and Gio Kobakhidze, Ukraine deputy country director for IFES, wrote in September that in order for a wartime election to happen, "a number of preconditions must be met that are currently absent."

One major requirement is that Ukraine has to somehow provide voting access to its active troops, of which there are more than 1 million, and nearly 6 million refugees overseas, they wrote.

More than 5 million other people have been internally displaced in Ukraine.

Elections are also expensive, Opora said, in a time when Ukraine needs money for weapons, humanitarian aid, and medical supplies.

Voting infrastructure in Ukraine has also been devastated by the war, with buildings for polling stations such as schools and hospitals destroyed, Opora added.

Then there are the areas near the frontlines, where voters gathering en masse to cast their ballots could easily be targeted by a Russian strike — a problem when Ukrainians overwhelmingly want to vote in person, the civil society said.

"The electronic voting system cannot be used in the conditions when Russia interferes in elections around the world," Opora said. "Only 8% of citizens trust postal voting."

And Ukraine would also have to consider how it would provide access to its citizens in occupied areas of Russia, Norpoth said. Moscow holds about 20% of Ukraine's territory.

"They probably will not send any ballots to areas occupied by Russia, which is a little bit like what happened with the Civil War," Norpoth said. "Those residents will probably not have a chance."

Overall, Erben and Kobakhidze wrote, Ukraine's laws correctly recognize that a free and fair wartime election is implausible.

But they also emphasized that Ukraine should hold an election after the war and improve on voting measures.

Opora concurred. "Now Ukraine has to act the same way as any other Western democracy would do under the conditions of full-scale war — impose martial law and postpone certain processes," it said.

Zelenskyy had harsh words on Monday for anyone urging Ukraine to hold a wartime election.

"And we all understand that now, in wartime, when there are so many challenges, it is absolutely irresponsible to throw the topic of elections into society in a lighthearted and playful way," he said.

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