Thursday, November 02, 2023

New study shows nearly 80% of Gen Z shares this one dietary habit — and it’s growing in popularity

Jeremiah Budin
Thu, November 2, 2023 

Studies continue to reveal that Gen Z is more concerned about the effects of human-driven pollution than older generations.

Not only are younger people more concerned, but they are also more willing to take action to help address the problem. One new study has shown that 79% of the Gen Z population chooses to go meatless at least once a week, while 65% say they want a more plant-forward diet.

There is a significant link between livestock farming, particularly factory farming, and the continued overheating of our planet. One widely cited study says that animal agriculture accounts for 16.5% of all human-caused planet-overheating gases, similar to the total output from all global transportation.

Animal agriculture also accounts for 65% of the world’s nitrous oxide pollution. Nitrous oxide has heat-trapping capabilities almost 300 times as severe as carbon dioxide.

And as plant-forward diets become more fashionable for young people, there is a growing awareness that you don’t have to cut out meat entirely to make positive steps toward more environmentally conscious choices. “Flexitarian” diets are now becoming more popular than full-on vegetarian or vegan diets.

The research supports these choices. One study showed that if the biggest meat-eaters in the United Kingdom simply switched to low-meat diets, the overall impact would be equivalent to taking 8 million gas-powered cars off the road.

At least one group, however, seems to have little interest in flexitarian diets. Men aged 50 to 65, a group that makes up less than 12% of the total population, are responsible for half of the total beef consumption in the United States — a choice that has devastating consequences for their health and the health of our planet.

Study reveals 41% of Millennials and Gen Z experience ‘menu anxiety’: ‘[It] shouldn’t just be a younger generation thing’

Jeremiah Budin
Thu, November 2, 2023

Studies have shown that young people tend to be more engaged with and aware of the effects that human-driven pollution is having on the health of our planet. And one new study shows that awareness is manifesting itself in an interesting way: in something called “menu anxiety.”

“Menu anxiety” refers to the awareness of how various aspects of the food industry cause harm to the environment, and the desire to take those impacts into account when ordering at a restaurant or on an app.

The study, as reported by the media platform Green Queen, surveyed 2,000 people and found that 41% of Millennials and Generation Z (aged 18-43) are prone to menu anxiety, compared to only 15% of Gen Xers and Baby Boomers (aged 44-77).

The agency OnePoll conducted the survey, which was commissioned for unknown reasons by the company Avocado Green Mattress.

Part of the awareness may be self-propagating, as the study suggests younger people know that their peers tend to be more environmentally aware. The study revealed that 47% of younger participants like to wait to see what their friends are ordering before they order, compared to 30% of older participants.

Unsurprisingly, the study found that a significantly higher percentage of younger participants were drawn to vegetarian and vegan options. Also, an overwhelming 77% of younger participants wanted restaurants to be more transparent about the environmental impact of their offerings, compared to 58% of older participants.

Vegetarian or low-meat diets have consistently been shown to have a lower negative environmental impact than heavily meat-based diets, in large part due to the huge amount of planet-overheating gases produced by the livestock industry.

One study showed that if the biggest meat eaters in the UK switched to low-meat diets (not even full vegetarianism) it would have an equivalent positive impact to taking 8 million gas-powered cars off the road.

“Understanding our environmental impacts shouldn’t just be a younger generation thing,” Jessica Hann, Avocado Green Mattress’ senior vice president of brand marketing and sustainability said in a statement reported by Green Queen. “We should all be pro-clean air, pro-clean water and pro-healthy climate. We’re all responsible for the planet we leave behind for our kids and grandkids.”

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