Friday, November 17, 2023

PG&E bills will go up by more than $32 per month next year in part to pay for wildfire protections

November 16, 2023 

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — About 16 million people in California will see their electric and gas bills go up by an average of more than $32 per month over next year in part so that one of the nation's largest utility companies can bury more of its power line s to reduce the chances of starting wildfires.

Pacific Gas & Electric had initially asked state regulators for permission to raise rates by more than $38 per month so it could bury 2,100 miles (3,380 kilometers) of power lines in areas that are at high risk for wildfires. But consumer advocacy groups complained, arguing PG&E could save ratepayers money and still reduce wildfire risk by putting a protective covering over the power lines instead of burying them.

Thursday's decision by the California Public Utilities Commission sought to find a middle ground. Commissioners decided to let PG&E bury 1,230 miles (1,979 kilometers) of power lines, which would be $1.7 billion cheaper than PG&E's proposal.

The commission rejected a proposal by a pair of administrative law judges that would have only allowed PG&E to bury 200 miles (322 kilometers) of power lines while installing protective covering on 1,800 miles (2,897 kilometers) of power lines.

“We as a commission have struggled mightily with the additional hardship these increases will create for families,” said Commissioner John Reynolds, who wrote the proposal regulators approved. “I can say that I am confident that you are getting something out of this investment.”

PG&E said 85% of the increase was to improve safety in its gas and electric operations. It says typical bills will increase by about $32.50 next year, followed by a $4.50 increase in 2025 before decreasing by $8 per month in 2026.

For low-income customers who qualify for discounted rates, PG&E said typical monthly bills will increase by $21.50 next year, followed by a $3 per month increase in 2025 before decreasing by $5.50 per month in 2026.

“We are committed to being the safe operator that the people of California expect and deserve,” PG&E CEO Patti Poppe said in a written statement. “We appreciate the Commission for recognizing the important safety and reliability investments we are making on behalf of our customers, including undergrounding powerlines to permanently reduce wildfire risk.”

Electricity rates have been increasing in California over the past decade in large part because utility companies are rushing to upgrade their aging infrastructure to prevent wildfires. PG&E’s residential rates have more than doubled since 2006, according to The Utility Reform Network, an advocacy group for ratepayers.

The turning point for PG&E came in 2018 when a windstorm knocked down one of its power lines in the Sierra Nevada foothills that started a wildfire. Within a few hours, the fire had spread to Paradise, where it destroyed most of the town and killed 85 people.

PG&E eventually pleaded guilty to 84 counts of manslaughter and filed for bankruptcy after facing more than $30 billion in damages related to the Paradise fire and other blazes started by its equipment. The company has pledged to bury 10,000 miles (16,093 kilometers) of power lines over the next decade.

The five people on the commission, who are appointed by Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom, approved the rate increase unanimously while voicing concern for ratepayers.

“The rates we are asking ratepayers to pay are increasing at a rate that will become unaffordable in the very near future if we don’t find mechanisms to better control costs,” Commissioner Darcie Houck said.

Before the vote, dozens of people called the commission to complain PG&E's rates are already unaffordable, with one woman testifying she doesn't watch TV or turn on the pilot light for her gas stove because she can't afford it.

Cheryl Maynard, who identified herself as a survivor of the Paradise fire, called the rate hikes “outrageous” and accused the company of trying to secretly recoup the billions of dollars it paid to wildfire victims in a settlement.

“PG&E is getting our settlements back from us by raising rates. This has to stop,” she said.

Southern Water announce £1.5bn investment to cut sewage spills

16 November 2023 

Southern Water has announced £1.5 billion investment to get to the “root cause” of sewage spills into seas and rivers.

Storm overflows, which capture rain and wastewater to stop flooding of homes and communities, will be the main focus in improvements pledged between 2025 and 2035.

The water company, which serves parts of Sussex, Kent and Hampshire and the Isle of Wight, was named as one of the four worst performing water companies by regulator Ofwat last month.

Southern Water bosses revealed its Clean Rivers and Seas plan on November 16 as they faced “tough choices” between environmental protection and minimising bills for customers.

The announcement said customers will “notice the impact reflected in their bills”.

Southern Water’s chief executive, Lawrence Gosden, said: “I’ve heard our customers’ concerns, and we take our impact on the environment seriously.

“We have a long-term strategy to 2050 that will restore and protect our regions’ rivers and coastal habitats and a large part of that will be to get to the root cause of storm overflows.

“We cannot simply switch storm overflows off. But by implementing this clean rivers and seas plan and tackling the root cause, slowing the flow of rainwater going into the combined sewer, whilst increasing capacity of our network, we can reduce their use.”

Southern Water has promised to restore river habitats (Alamy/PA)

As part of Southern Water’s pledge to cut spills by 8,000 a year by 2035, the water company said phase one will invest £700 million on areas such as bathing waters and environmentally sensitive sites.

It added that by 2035, it aims for 75% of “high priority” overflows to meet Government targets and for 100% of them to meet targets by 2050.

Its Clean Rivers and Seas Task Force, made up of environmental scientists and industry experts, has also created solutions within the natural environment such as rain gardens and tree planting schemes.

Environmental charity Surfers Against Sewage said the plan was a “step in the right direction” with nature-based solutions such as wetlands being implemented.

But the marine conservation campaigners added that customers seeing this reflected in their bills was “outrageous”.

Surfers Against Sewage communications chief Josh Harris said: “Southern Water have overseen decades of mismanagement of our sewerage network, all the while paying the fat cats at the top huge pay and bonuses. Why should customers foot the bill?”

The charity added that through its water monitoring app, Safer Seas and Rivers Service, which receives sewage alerts from water companies, Southern Water has issued 14,931 alerts this year.

Mr Harris added: “They are top tier polluters and we won’t fall for their empty promises, or let them continue to profit off the destruction of our rivers and seas.”

Southern Water customers are being asked for their feedback on the plan before it is finalised with Ofwat.

Southern Water bosses also urged that “collaboration is key” for customers and local authorities to help with solutions such as sustainable drainage systems and water butts to drain rain water back into the environment.

The water firm’s shareholders have not received dividends since 2017 and its chief executive and chief financial officer both declined bonuses for the year until March 2023.

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