Thursday, November 16, 2023

Secret Service Agent Shooting At Car Thieves Doesn’t Entirely Add Up

Steven Symes
Tue, November 14, 2023 
 The Backfire News

News about a secret service agent assigned to protect President Joe Biden’s granddaughter Naomi Biden opening fire on some would-be thieves breaking into an unmarked Secret Service SUV has spread like wildfire. The incident, which took place in the Georgetown neighborhood in Washington, D.C. on the night of November 12, has helped punctuate just how bad car theft has become in the nation’s capital.

Find out about the recent Houston meat thief bust.

Not only is car theft in general a big problem in Washington, D.C. but so are carjackings, just like in many other metropolitan areas. A member of Congress was carjacked not that long ago, and we’ve heard there are supposedly several members of the House who sleep on cots in their offices to avoid the rampant crime in the city.

Many times the carjackings are done by young kids, a fact that was highlighted when the story of a 13-year-old killed during an attempted carjacking blew up in national news recently.

That said, there’s something off about this story. First of all, we find it ironic how the Secret Service can shoot at someone for breaking the window of their vehicle in an attempt to steal it but if a regular citizen were to do that it would almost certainly result in a criminal charge.

But that’s not what has left us feeling something is off. We assume Secret Service agents, like most law enforcement, train on their service weapon. If that’s true, then why didn’t the agent who squeezed off a few rounds hit the suspects? Was he just firing warning shots and not trying to hit them?

And how did the Secret Service let these three individuals get away? What if they’d tried assassinating Hunter Biden’s oldest child? Considering the state of the world today, one would think the Secret Service had better coverage than what was displayed.

Also, if it’s not that big deal if someone steals your car, like we’re told constantly, why is it such a big deal for a Secret Service vehicle to be swiped that the use of deadly force is justified? We’re not expecting any answers to our questions, but this story seems a little… interesting.

Image via United States Secret Service

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