Sunday, November 26, 2023

Lee Anderson Says Votes For 16-Year-Olds Will Kill Off The Tories 'For Generations'

The party's vice-chairman made the admission in secretly-recorded comments.

By Kevin Schofield

Giving votes to 16-year-olds will kill off the Conservative Party “for generations”, the party’s deputy chairman has said.

Lee Anderson made the admission in secretly-recorded comments at a meeting of Tory supporters.

Labour has said it will reduce the voting age from 18 to 16 if it wins the next election.

Speaking in September, a party spokesperson said: “At the age of 16, many young people are paying taxes, working, and engaging in all parts of society — it is right that they get a say in who governs them.”

But speaking at a ‘Lagers With Lee’ event at Cambridge Rugby Club, Anderson said reducing the voting age would guarantee the Tories would be unable to form a government for decades.

He said: “The Labour Party will bring in votes for 16-year-olds. I’m convinced they will.

“Now if they do that, you might as well just rip your memberships up now, because you’ll never see a Conservative, not in my lifetime, again.

“If you bring in voting for 16-year-olds we’re done for, you know, for generations.”

According to the Sunday Times, Anderson also claimed that the right-wing Reform Party had offered him “a lot of money” to defect to them.

But Reform leader Richard Tice told the paper: “Desperate Tories will make desperate lies to save their skin.”

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