Friday, December 08, 2023

Dubai COP28 is 'last gasp' for fossil fuels, German minister says

Svenja Schulze, German Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development, speaks at the German-Ukrainian municipal partnership conference in Leipzig. The UN Climate Change Conference in Dubai is witnessing "a last gasp from the fossil fuel industry," according to German Development Minister Schulze.
 Hendrik Schmidt/dpa


The UN Climate Change Conference in Dubai is witnessing "a last gasp from the fossil fuel industry," according to German Development Minister Svenja Schulze.

"But ultimately, the oil countries themselves have long known that their business model will disappear and are therefore investing heavily in renewable energies," she said.

The Social Democrat (SPD) politician made the comments to the German newspaper Rheinische Post, in remarks published on Thursday as the COP28 continues in the Arabian desert state.

In her view, it is certain that the phase-out of coal, oil and gas will happen. "Whether it will be decided in Dubai is uncertain," she said.

Germany's special envoy on climate issues, Jennifer Morgan, still sees major differences between individual countries regarding the goal of agreeing to phase out fossil fuels. However, she also senses the "will to make progress" among numerous signatory states.

"Status quo is not an option. Transformation is the only option. Everyone must realize that we are fighting for the energy system of the future," Morgan told the newspaper.

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