Friday, December 08, 2023

Ex-German hard-left leader Wagenknecht tight-lipped on EU alliances
Sahra Wagenknecht stands in the newsroom of Deutsche Presse-Agentur dpa after an interview with the news agency. former leading light in Germany's hard-left Die Linke (The Left) party who left to form her own political movement, has not yet decided which alliance she would call home if successful in European Parliament elections. 
Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa

Sahra Wagenknecht, a former leading light in Germany's hard-left Die Linke (The Left) party who left to form her own political movement, has not yet decided which alliance she would call home if successful in European Parliament elections.

"There is currently no decision on this," Wagenknecht, the former leader of Die Linke's parliamentary group in the Bundestag, replied to an enquiry from dpa.

Wagenknecht left Die Linke in October and is looking to found her own party in January. It is currently known as the Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance (BSW) until a formal name is chosen. She told dpa in November that she hopes to achieve a double-digit result in next year's European elections.

Before leaving Die Linke, Wagenknecht clashed with its leadership over her anti-immigration stance, scepticism over vaccine mandates and other political positions.

Several Die Linke members of the Bundestag have joined her, leading to the party losing its status in the German lower house.

The allocation of her new party to a European party alliance could be an indication of whether the new party leans more to the left or more to the right, although Wagenknecht now rejects those labels.

Wagenknecht recently said in an interview with Sunday's edition of German newspaper Die Welt that most people no longer see themselves in terms left and right. However, if she wants to have political influence in the European Parliament, she will probably have to choose a political camp, she said at the time.

© Deutsche Presse-Agentur GmbH

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