Friday, December 08, 2023

German insurers say blown-up ATMs cost €110m in damages in 2022

A destroyed ATM stands in a shopping center in Neu-Hohenschoenhausen after perpetrators have blown it up. Some €110 million ($118.6 million) in damage was caused by cash machines, or ATMs, being blown up in Germany last year, the German insurance industry said on Wednesday. 
Paul Zinken/dpa

Some €110 million ($118.6 million) in damage was caused by cash machines, or ATMs, being blown up in Germany last year, the German insurance industry said on Wednesday.

"Cash accounted for around €30 million of this," Anja Käfer-Rohrbach, deputy managing director of the German Insurance Association (GDV), explained.

In 2022, the police registered a new high of 496 cases of ATMs being blown up, according to the GDV. In the previous year, there had been around 100 fewer cases. In total, there are around 55,000 ATMs in Germany.

As possible preventative measures, the association suggests closing bank lobbies at night, installing burglar alarms and video surveillance and colouring banknotes to mark them.

© Deutsche Presse-Agentur GmbH

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