Friday, December 22, 2023

Israeli Evidence of Hamas Command Center in al-Shifa Hospital Falls Short: Report

Nikki McCann Ramirez
Thu, December 21, 2023 

Last month, the world watched as a spectacle rarely seen in modern warfare unfolded in Gaza. The Israeli military tore through al-Shifa Hospital, the Gaza Strip’s main hospital, forcing the evacuation of patients and refugees as part of a siege on the medical complex that resulted in dozens of patient deaths and an untold number of additional casualties.

Israel’s months-long assault on Gaza has already resulted in more than 20,000 Palestinian deaths since Oct. 7, many of them civilians and children. Even in a conflict as brutal as the one currently unfolding in Gaza, an organized military operation against a hospital is virtually unheard of. Israel for weeks had made public its preemptive justification for an incursion into a medical establishment that is typically protected under humanitarian law — asserting that al-Shifa contained a Hamas command center within a network of tunnels and secret rooms that used patients and doctors as human shields against Israeli military action.

The Biden administration continues to back Israel’s position on the matter, and earlier this week reasserted their own claims of possessing “evidence that Hamas was operating underneath al-Shifa Hospital before Israel attacked.” On Monday, State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller told reporters in a press briefing that the U.S. remains “confident” that “Hamas was using al-Shifa as a command and control post, as it uses other civilian sites to hide terrorist infrastructure, to hide weapons, to hide fighters and ultimately to use civilians as human shields.”

Following the siege on al-Shifa, the Israeli government attempted to convince the world that the hospital held both the literal and figurative smoking guns which would prove its alleged connections to Hamas military operations. To justify such a brutal attack, one would expect there to have been clear, irrefutable evidence of Hamas’ presence and use of the complex, but aside from a handful of weapons and some paraphernalia, the findings have been lackluster. An analysis by The Washington Post of open-source materials and evidence provided by Israel in the aftermath of the attack found very little proof that the tunnels under al-Shifa led to a major Hamas command center.

It bears noting that Israel itself built some of the tunnels and rooms under al-Shifa in the 1980s, and their existence has been an open secret for decades. Following their incursion into the hospital, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) released footage of Israeli forces exploring the alleged network of Hamas tunnels within the medical complex. Analysis by the Post of tunnel footage, as well as maps and other materials released by the IDF, contradicted claims by Israel that several hospital buildings were connected to and could be accessed from within the tunnel network. The analysis also found that several small rooms attached to the tunnel, one of which the IDF had described as an evacuated Hamas “operational room,” contained no signs of recent use or occupancy.

A separate November analysis of IDF footage by CNN found that Israeli forces may have moved or rearranged weapons within al-Shifa Hospital before providing international news organizations access to the scene, prompting questions regarding the authenticity of the already limited findings provided by IDF forces.

Hospitals have become a primary target in Israel’s ongoing siege against the Gaza Strip. According to the World Health Organization, as of Thursday, there are no longer any functioning hospitals left in northern Gaza and only nine of the region’s major health facilities remain at least partially operational.

“WHO will keep striving to supply health facilities in northern Gaza. But without medicines and other essential needs, all patients will die slowly and painfully,” Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, director-general of the World Health Organization, said in a statement released on X. “More than ever, a humanitarian ceasefire is needed now to reinforce and restock remaining health facilities, [to] deliver medical services needed by thousands of injured people and those needing other essential care, and, above all, to stop the bloodshed and death.”

Rolling Stone

Evidence Doesn't Support Israeli Claims That Hospital Was Hamas Command Center: Report

Matt Shuham
Thu, December 21, 2023 

There is not sufficient public evidence to support Israel’s claims that a Gaza hospital the country raided had served as a Hamas command center, according to a Washington Post investigation published Thursday.

The Israeli raid on al-Shifa Hospital last month, which was preceded by an evacuation order aimed at thousands of people sheltering at the hospital and hundreds of sick patients, produced one of the grisliest scenes in the country’s ground invasion of the Gaza Strip: a “death zone” that included a mass grave at the entrance of the hospital and dozens of desperate patients inside, according to the World Health Organization, whose aid workers arrived at the facility on Nov. 18 as part of a humanitarian mission.

Forty patients, including four premature babies, died in the hospital due to a lack of electricity in the days surrounding the raid, hospital administrators told the United Nations.

Israel had asserted that the hospital was used to direct rocket attacks and command fighters, and that Hamas tunnels could be accessed from five specific hospital buildings. And a U.S. administration official told the Post last week, “We are absolutely confident in the intelligence ... that Hamas was using it as a command and control node.”

But in an analysis based on satellite imagery, open-source visual information and releases from the Israeli military, the Post found that available evidence didn’t support these claims, and that its reporting raised questions about the legitimacy of the raid under international law. Hamas has denied Israel’s assertions about how the hospital was used.

Israeli forces did uncover one underground tunnel on the northeastern corner of the hospital complex’s grounds, but the Post noted that no evidence had been presented that the tunnel was actually in use during the current war — nor that it was connected to the five buildings in the complex that the Israeli military had said were being used by Hamas.

An Israeli military spokesperson told the paper that the country had released “extensive, irrefutable evidence that points to the abuse of the Shifa hospital complex by Hamas for terrorism purposes, and underground terrorism activity.” But, faced with the Post’s findings, the spokesperson said Israel would not be releasing any further evidence to back up its claims: “We cannot provide additional information,” the unnamed official told the paper.

International humanitarian law typically protects hospitals from attacks during war. Israel’s claim that Hamas fighters — and senior commanders — operate from tunnels underneath otherwise-protected buildings like hospitals and schools has been a key defense in its targeting of those facilities.

The Israeli military has attacked a number of hospitals, the Post noted. As of Tuesday, “nine out of Gaza’s 36 hospitals are partially functional, all located in the south,” according to WHO. Israel has also raided numerous hospitals and shelters in Gaza’s north in recent days, The Associated Press reported.

“I’m furious that children who are recovering from amputations in hospitals are then killed in those hospitals,” said UNICEF spokesperson James Elder.

An Israeli raid of Kamal Adwan Hospital led to the deaths of eight patients, including a 9-year-old, WHO said Monday. A pediatrician at the hospital, Dr. Hussam Abu Safyia, told The Wall Street Journal that 12 patients had died as a result of shortages of food, water and medical supplies amid fighting around the hospital. Abu Safyia and an unnamed nurse at the hospital told the paper that hospital staff members had buried the deceased in the facility’s courtyard, and that Israeli troops subsequently used military vehicles, including a bulldozer, to dig up and search the bodies. As with al-Shifa, the Israeli military claimed that the hospital was being used as a Hamas “command and control centre,” and released video of weapons purportedly found at the facility.

After Israeli forces entered al-Shifa Hospital, military spokespeople released photos of around a dozen rifles, in addition to grenades, ammunition and bulletproof vests that they claimed were recovered from the facility. But the Post wasn’t able to verify the source of the weapons.

One section of underground rooms that was joined to the tunnel system uncovered by the Israeli military — including two rooms and two bathrooms — did not show evidence of recent use in an Israeli army video, the Post reported. Daniel Hagari, an Israeli military spokesperson who narrated the army’s tour of the facilities, claimed in that video: “This room was evacuated, and all the gear was evacuated. I guess it was evacuated when they knew or understand that we were going to enter Shifa Hospital.” The Israeli army didn’t respond to requests for clarification on when militants purportedly used the rooms, the Post reported.

“Every single hospital in Gaza, every single school in Gaza, is used as a terror base,” former Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett claimed Wednesday during a BBC interview.

Read the full Washington Post report here.

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