Wednesday, December 27, 2023

"Mr Jinnah's actions were secular"

Murtaza Solangi, former DG, Radio Pakistan, speaks about Mr Jinnah’s tapes and his vision for Pakistan.

MAMUN M. ADIL: How did you become involved with the Jinnah tapes?
MURTAZA SOLANGI: I joined Radio Pakistan as Director General in June 2008 and while there, I started going through the archived tapes. Mr Jinnah was a subject of interest to me and I went through most of the analogue tapes of his speeches. Very few were digitised, and I was told that since there was no recording facility in Karachi in 1947, a team of engineers from All India Radio in Delhi had been sent to Karachi to record the June 3, August 11 and 14 speeches. However, I only found the June 3 and August 14 speeches, which dealt with the Partition Plan and Transfer of Power respectively. I initiated the digitisation of the analogue tapes, and had the speeches uploaded on Radio Pakistan’s YouTube channel in 2011, along with about 300 other recordings.

MMA: Given that the June 3 and August 14 speeches were made public two years ago, why have they been in the news recently?
MS: Because All India Radio released the master copies of the tapes recently. The quality of their tapes is better than the ones we had.

MMA: What do you think is the impact of the June 3 speech?
MS: Not too much; the June 3 speech gives clues regarding Mr Jinnah’s central thinking of not creating a theocratic state; the August 14 speech says it better. It is important because Mr Jinnah talks about Akbar the Great and the Prophet (PBUH) during whose time Jews and Christians were accorded the same status and respect as Muslims. However, the August 11 speech is the most important of them all.

MMA: What attempts did you make to retrieve the August 11 speech?
MS: I emailed the BBC in London and they replied that they did not have it, but it is still possible that there is a copy somewhere; All India Radio may have a copy. I am still making an effort to recover it. My suspicion is that somebody destroyed the tape in Pakistan.
In this speech Mr Jinnah said, “You are free to go to your temples…” and that religion has nothing to do with the state. I spoke to many people who worked under Zia-ul-Haq and according to them, as well as several books and reports, the tapes had been taken from the Radio Pakistan archives and destroyed.

MMA: Why would they do that?
MS: Because of the content. In this speech Mr Jinnah said, “You are free to go to your temples…” and that religion has nothing to do with the state. I spoke to many people who worked under Zia-ul-Haq and according to them, as well as several books and reports, the tapes had been taken from the Radio Pakistan archives and destroyed. Mr Jinnah was a secular person. The original speech that he was supposed to read on August 14, during the transfer of power, had religious phrases such as “so help me God” but Mr Jinnah chose not to read out these phrases. His actions were also secular. For example, just before the creation of Pakistan, Mr Jogindernath Mandal, a scheduled cast Hindu from East Pakistan, was inducted into the Constituent Assembly and was given the important portfolio of Minister of Law. If Pakistan was going to be an Islamic, theocratic state how could the ministry of law be headed by a Hindu? That is why I feel that the tape was destroyed – because of its content.

MMA: What would the impact of the August 11 recording be if it was found?
MS: To be honest, even if Mr Jinnah rose from his grave and made the speech it would probably not make much difference today. The powerful religious lobbies and those that have militant wings and the power to coerce people would probably lynch Mr Jinnah today if he was alive. That said, the speech is important because of its historic significance – it would refute the lies by some politicians and historians who project that he wanted a theocratic state. The speech also has historic value. The other day, Geo did an enactment of it in Urdu – and someone asked me if it was authentic and I told them it was originally in English. The speech would definitely help people who believe in Mr Jinnah’s vision of a pluralist and democratic Pakistani state. It would be an important tool for people who believe the founder of their country did not want a theocratic state but one where every citizen is treated equally. I am still searching for it by contacting people in Pakistan and India, and I am also fighting for that vision by raising my voice on various forums.

MMA: Did you come across any other tapes during the digitisation process at Radio Pakistan?
MS: We found Liaquat Ali Khan’s last speech which was made on October 16, 1951. It is a few minutes in length and ends with gunshots being fired. I also found a speech made by Zulfikar Ali Bhutto on April 27, 1972, when he laid the foundation stone of the National Broadcasting House of Radio Pakistan in Islamabad. Someone who worked as a technician gave it to us, so miracles do happen. It was very well written and powerful. Mr Bhutto said that radio, as the cheapest and most portable medium, has the capacity to disseminate information, education and empowerment to people and that Radio Pakistan must do so.

MMA: Do you think Radio Pakistan has fulfilled that vision?
MS: No, because consecutive governments have used it as a government rather than a public broadcaster. To an extent, during Mr Bhutto’s time a lot of good public interest programming was developed including Taleem-e-Balighaan. But to turn Radio Pakistan into an institution like the BBC, you need educated people, who are given independence. This was never done. Radio Pakistan was used as a source of government propaganda. People listened to Radio Pakistan because it was the only station at the time; this changed in 2004 when private radio stations started coming up. Now, nobody cares about Radio Pakistan or PTV.

MMA: Why did you leave Radio Pakistan?
MS: On May 3, 2013, I was told that the management was pleased to cancel my contract.

MMA: What plans did you have for the digitised speeches?
MS: I had initiated a project with the help of the US Government to digitise 3.5 million minutes of historical speeches made by several political leaders including Mr Jinnah, Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, Benazir Bhutto, Mujibur Rahman, Feroz Khan Noon and Zia-ul-Haq. I was planning to create a portal that could be accessed by the general public for free, but would be charged for other broadcasters.

MMA: Why were these digitised archives not publicised?
MS: When I was at Radio Pakistan I didn’t do much on the publicity front. I was running from pillar to post to managing salaries, launching a website (the first bilingual one for a government organisation) and setting up social media accounts for Radio Pakistan. When I left, Radio Pakistan had over 30,000 followers on Twitter (All India Radio had 500). Today All India Radio has more; the babus who came after me drove everything into the ground.

Published in Nov-Dec 2013
Mamun M. Adil is Manager, BD&R, DAWN.


NABEELAUG 16, 2017 04:42AM
Great work Sir! We salute you for this...

SIMBAAUG 16, 2017 04:25PM
It is interesting the way well meaning, educated and capable people are grounded in Pakistan.

K P RAOAUG 16, 2017 06:09PM
Fantastic. Absolutely fantastic. It was farsightedness of Mr. Jinnah to have appointed Mr, Mandal an eminent personality as Minister of Law. Later-on this very Mr. Mandal was a member of legislative council in India and was a reputed member of Constitution drafting committee under Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar the Architect of Constitution of India and was much admired here.

BRRAUG 17, 2017 03:08AM
Of all the thousands of speeches Jinnah gave where he demanded a seperate state because muslims are a separate nation, people can point to one solitary instant where jinnah acts benevolent towards minorities - and everyone latches on to that single speech to declare jinnah a great secular leader - conveniently ignoring the simple fact that thousands of speeches were given by him where he did just the opposite - demand separation from hindus on religious grounds. If that is not misleading and hypocritical, what is?

M. EMADAUG 17, 2017 01:39PM
Mr. Jinnah did different act at different times.

RAJIV RANJANAUG 17, 2017 09:51PM
Even Donald Trump talks nice things sometimes.

AFMAUG 18, 2017 12:21AM
If we want to make this great state of Pakistan happy and prosperous we must concentrate wholly and solely on the well being of the people, You are free. Free to go to your Mosques, free to go to your temples, or any other place of worship in the state of Pakistan. My guiding principles well be #Justice and fair play without any Prejudice or ill well, without any partiality or favouritism. We must root out the poison of Corruption and Nepotism our inspiration will be the golden principles of the Holy Prophet Peace be upon him and I know that with your support and cooperation, I can look forward to the day when Pakistan becomes one of the greatest nations of the world.

AKRAMAUG 18, 2017 10:43AM
One day the fact that during the last days of Jinnah he had expressed his regret on creation of Pakistan will come to light. Which deep inside every Pakistani might already be feeling.

VIJAYAUG 18, 2017 10:50AM
@k p rao . Thanks for sharing your information !

VIJAYAUG 18, 2017 10:51AM
@BRR . You nailed it sir !!

VIJAYAUG 18, 2017 10:52AM
@M. Emad . I agree.You are absolutely correct.

PAKISTANIAUG 18, 2017 05:50PM
@SIMBA .Why is it interesting?

DARVINAUG 18, 2017 09:45PM
A person Jinnah and Nehru divided a country on the basis of religion but you still thought he was secular. He demanded special privilege in India to Muslims or separate country. His party started riots in 1946 in West Bengal, which gulp 1 million people at the time of partition. He decided Pakistan as Islamic Republic of Pakistan but you still feel by single speech that he was secular.

ALIAUG 18, 2017 10:32PM
Jinnah was always secular. Jinnah's speeches before partition did demand a separate state based on religion as the muslims of India were marginalized and discriminated against. After partition, he promoted secularism has he didn't want the minorities in newly created Pakistan to suffer the same marginalization and discrimination that the muslims went thru before partition. That would have lost the essence of why he wanted Pakistan. The Pakistan of today is not Jinnah's Pakistan.

UZAIR AHMEDAUG 20, 2017 06:14AM
well! poor try to change mindset about Jinnah. cheapest way to get famous @ Murtaza Solangi. Go get a life!!

READERAUG 20, 2017 08:51AM
If Mr. Jinnah was secular why did he fight for a separate state for muslims of India?

RAFIAUG 20, 2017 09:34AM
@Akram there is no regret sir. Couldn't be more proud of being a Pakistani. Not sure if I can even imagine walking around in India with my head down as a second class citizen. Muslims in India are still having to prove their loyalty. We totally should be grateful for not having to deal with that today. Thank God and Quaid-e-Azam, for Pakistan.

ASEEMAUG 21, 2017 12:17PM
@AFM "You are free. Free to go to your Mosques, free to go to your temples, or any other place of worship" Sounds more like lip service. Present day's Pakistan is exactly opposite of what was presumably promised. Even Ahmediya's are relegated to third class, leave aside other minority religions. Talking about freedom to visit places of worship, neither their lives, nor property are safe.

RICHARDAUG 22, 2017 12:28AM
i really believe had Jinnah lived long enough relationship with India would have more positive.

SANDIPAUG 22, 2017 01:04AM
@Rafi Aren't you having to prove your loyalty to Pakistan all the time as well? Just say something criticizing the khakhis and then see how your life is reduced to living hell.

KHANAUG 22, 2017 09:40AM
I was annoyed by Solangi the former director of Radio Pakistan how he addressed Qaid Azam as Mr. Jinnah. I hate people who get high post and not learned to pick words .

Actually you wanted to prove him secular so you didn't overlook the entire history... You just took what you had to... Once quaid offered his used water to a hindu in a gathering he refused to drink that by saying that why should he dirnk that water which is used by a muslim... Then he offered it to a man(muslim) with turkish cap on his head he drank the water without any question.... Then quaid explained This is the difference between muslim and hindu I can live with muslim but can't with a hindu....

AKBAR AHMEDSEP 12, 2017 11:25AM
@Sandip . Please survey( even briefly) the reality of the very diverse electronic media in Pakistan you may find reality quite different.

RAZVISEP 12, 2017 11:57AM
@BRR It will be a great favour to many like me if you can forward the links to just a few hundreds of these thousands of these speeches. At the same time you will do a great favour to yourself by reading an unconsecrated biography of the Quid.

OMARSEP 12, 2017 12:43PM
Great work sir

Thank you Mr Solangi for your contribution to the literature about Mr Jinnah. Destroying a historical record is like demolishing a heritage building, structure, a church, temple or a mosque. Whoever was responsible for destroying Mr Jinnah's speech committed a serious crime and must be awarded punishment, even after their death.

JAAMSEP 12, 2017 02:59PM
Mullah-establishment duo would have killed Jinnah if he were to say " not a theocratic state"! This is a new Pakistan invented by top brass and sacrosanct mullahs. What a tragedy!

ABLSEP 12, 2017 03:54PM
Pakistan's biggest loss was the passing away of the Quaid during its infancy year. The whole logic behind the creation of Pakistan was not translated into the diverse society, which Pakistan inherited. The institutional development was left to those leaders, who had no idea of secular governance. Since then, and until now after 70 years, the direction is not correct. People who come forward with Jinnah's ideology are blamed with various names and we continue to struggle and continue to search the real meaning of Pakistan.

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