Sunday, December 31, 2023

North Korea says unification with South is ‘not possible’

Seoul, Dec 31 (EFE).- North Korea said it rules out any type of reconciliation or unification with its southern neighbor, according to Sunday state media reports, after the conclusion of an important five-day plenary meeting.

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un said he does not consider Seoul a counterpart for reconciliation and unification, saying the neighboring country “has declared (North Korea) as its main enemy, so the party has come to the conclusion that unification is not possible,” he said, news agency KCNA said.

Kim said there must be a “fundamental change” in dealing with South Korea, adding that inter-Korean relations have become those of “two hostile countries” or “countries in a state of combat.”

At last year’s plenary party meeting, Kim called South Korea an “undoubted enemy” and called for an “exponential” increase in the country’s nuclear arsenal and the development of tactical nuclear weapons.

The secretive country also announced that it intends to launch three more spy satellites in 2024, according to state media, after the first successful launch in November by Pyongyang.

North Korea closes 2023 after having displayed its military muscle with several weapons innovations (a nuclear torpedo, a submarine with the capacity to launch several ballistic missiles, its first spy satellite and its first solid fuel intercontinental ballistic missile).

Pyongyang has chosen to strengthen its ties with Beijing and Moscow, which have vetoed new sanctions against the regime and seem to provide it with certain security guarantees in a global framework marked by the wars in Israel and Ukraine. 


Korean Unification “Impossible” – Kim

Seoul’s policy of “unification by absorption” does not correspond to Pyongyang's principles, Kim Jong-un has said

Korean unification ‘impossible’ – Kim
FILE PHOTO: North Korean leader Kim Jong-un in Lang Son, Vietnam on February 26, 2019 ©  Getty Images / Linh Pham

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has said it is impossible to achieve reunification between Pyongyang and Seoul because South Korea’s principles are directly opposed to those of his country.

Addressing a meeting of the ruling Workers Party, Kim said the two states’ relations had become “hostile to each other” and no longer “consanguineous or homogeneous,” the Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) reported on Sunday.

Kim declared Pyongyang’s approach to national reunification based on “one nation and one state with two systems” to be in sharp contradiction with Seoul’s “unification by absorption” and “unification under liberal democracy.”

South Korea is currently a “colonial subordinate state” whose politics are “completely out of order” and whose defense and security are totally dependent on the US, the agency said, citing Kim.

Kim said Washington had turned Seoul into its military base and nuclear arsenal, and that the number of joint military exercises between the US, South Korea and Japan in 2023 had doubled from last year. He said this fact “clearly shows” that the US is aiming for military confrontation.

Kim argued that “war may break out” on the Korean Peninsula at any time due to the “enemies’ reckless moves.” If Washington and Seoul attempt a military confrontation with Pyongyang, its “nuclear war deterrence will go over to a grave action without hesitation,” Kim stressed.

The remarks followed North Korea’s statement on Wednesday that the military situation on the Korean peninsula had become “extreme” because of “unprecedented” confrontational moves by the US and its regional allies.

In 2018, North and South Korea signed the Comprehensive Military Agreement (CMA), agreeing to “completely cease all hostile acts against each other.” However, last month, Seoul suspended part of it and resumed aerial surveillance. In response, Pyongyang vowed to restore all measures suspended since 2018.

The Korean Peninsula was divided in 1953 after an armistice was signed, halting the hostilities between North and South that had begun three years before. Technically, Pyongyang and Seoul still remain at war.

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