Monday, December 11, 2023


Ahead of White House Hanukkah celebration, a wave of faith-led cease-fire demonstrations

The demonstrators, who were later arrested, noted the ongoing Jewish holiday, shouting, 'No Hanukkah to celebrate, cease-fire cannot wait!'

A group of Jewish women chain themselves to the fence in front of the White House and call for a cease-fire in the Israel-Hamas war, Monday, Dec. 11, 2023, in Washington. The Jewish Voice for Peace affiliated activists timed their protest with the White House Hanukkah celebration, which also occurs Monday. (RNS photo/Jack Jenkins)

WASHINGTON (RNS) — The nation’s capital played host to another wave of faith-led protests on Monday calling for a cease-fire in Gaza, hours before the White House’s scheduled Hanukkah celebration.

One of the more dramatic demonstrations took place around midday, when a group of 18 older Jewish women affiliated with the activist organization Jewish Voice for Peace chained themselves to the White House’s fence and unfurled a banner calling on President Biden to “stop the genocide, ceasefire now!”

Calling themselves “elders,” the activists noted the ongoing Jewish holiday as they demonstrated, shouting, “No Hanukkah to celebrate, cease-fire cannot wait!”

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The White House Hanukkah celebration, scheduled for Monday evening around 7:00 p.m., is slated to feature appearances from Biden as well as second gentleman Douglas Emhoff, who is Jewish. Emhoff is expected to help light menorah candles with descendants of Holocaust survivors.

In an interview with Religion News Service, Esther Farmer, a JVP spokesperson, said the group chose to protest today to “be here at Hanukkah to let some light into this, because this is a really dark thing that’s happening.”

Demonstrators also read the names of Palestinians killed during Israel’s ongoing assault into Gaza, which resumed this month after a roughly weeklong pause. The military advance followed the Oct. 7 attack on southern Israel by Hamas that killed 1,200 people and resulted in hundreds more kidnapped. Activists in the U.S. and elsewhere, however, have expressed outrage at the scale of Israel’s response, with at least 17,700 Palestinians killed during the Israeli operation, according to the Gaza Health Ministry. In addition, the United Nations estimates 85% of the region’s 2 million residents have been displaced in what human rights advocates warn is a spiraling humanitarian crisis.

Shortly after the demonstration began, police cleared the area in front of the White House. Officers then began slowly arresting all 18 participants, leading them away one by one after shearing them loose from the fence using bolt cutters.

Police escort a chanting protester away from the White House fence, Monday, Dec. 11, 2023, in Washington. (RNS photo/Jack Jenkins)

A police officer escorts a chanting protester away from the White House fence, Monday, Dec. 11, 2023, in Washington. (RNS photo/Jack Jenkins)

As they departed, the group — as well as a small band of supporters nearby — chanted, “Biden, Biden, pick a side, cease-fire, not genocide!”

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The protest comes ahead of a larger event planned for later in the evening, when hundreds are expected to participate in a “Chanukah for Ceasefire” service outside the White House at the same time officials are celebrating the Jewish holiday inside.

“We are Jews calling for a cease-fire because we believe in the equal sacredness of all human life,” Eva Borgwardt, a spokesperson for If Not Now, a Jewish activist group organizing the event alongside Jewish Voice for Peace, told RNS. “The only way to secure that is through a cease-fire, a de-escalation, a hostage exchange and an actual political solution that will secure freedom and safety and a thriving future for all.”

In addition to Jewish voices, the event is expected to include speeches from lawmakers such as Rep. Cori Bush of Missouri, a Christian and former pastor, who introduced legislation last month calling for a cease-fire.

Borgwardt argued there was a “clear divide” between the dueling Hanukkah events.

“While we are honoring the sacredness of every single human life, President Biden, as well as many members of Congress, are pushing for billions of dollars in unconditional weapons funding for Israel to continue committing war crimes against Palestinians in Gaza,” Borgwardt said.

A Jewish woman holds a placard and a candle as Jewish rabbis and members of the community gather demanding a permanent cease-fire in Gaza, during the first night of the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah, Thursday, Dec. 7, 2023, in New York. (AP Photo/Andres Kudacki)

A Jewish woman holds a placard and a candle as Jewish rabbis and members of the community gather demanding a permanent cease-fire in Gaza, during the first night of the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah, Thursday, Dec. 7, 2023, in New York. (AP Photo/Andres Kudacki)

Both demonstrations come on the heels of a separate cease-fire protest that took place at the Hart Senate Building on Capitol Hill earlier Monday morning. There, police arrested 49 people who held a banner that read “Aid to Israel = bombing Palestinians,” as they stood around what appeared to be bags of fake money splattered with red paint. One of the participants also scaled a sculpture in the building’s lobby before eventually climbing down, where officers arrested the protester, according to NBC News.

Yet another cease-fire-themed event is scheduled for Monday evening, when a group of Christians plan to host a prayer service at New York Avenue Presbyterian Church in downtown Washington before leading a prayer walk over to the White House. 

“We grieve and stand in solidarity with Christians in Bethlehem and the Middle East who will worship Jesus but not have Christmas celebrations this year,” the Rev. Dr. Mae Elise Cannon, head of Churches for Middle East Peace, said in a statement. “We remain steadfast in our call for a comprehensive ceasefire and an end to all violence.”

The event is sponsored by an array of Christian denominations and groups, including the CMEP, the American Baptist Churches USA, American Friends Service Committee, Church of the Brethren Office of Peacebuilding, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, Franciscan Action Network, Global Ministries of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and United Church of Christ, Presbyterian Church (USA), Progressive National Baptist Convention Inc., Sojourners and the United Methodist Church’s General Board of Church and Society.

In statements, multiple participants in Monday’s planned Christmas vigil referenced that Christmas celebrations in Bethlehem, which is in the occupied West Bank, have been largely canceled in solidarity with those killed in Gaza. A delegation of Christian leaders from the city visited Washington last month, where they met with White House staff and members of Congress and presented them with a letter signed by Bethlehem churches calling for a cease-fire.

But at a vigil in November, convened at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church just two blocks from the U.S. Capitol, the Rev. Munther Isaac, a member of the delegation and a pastor of Bethlehem’s Evangelical Lutheran Christmas Church, suggested their group struggled to rally policymakers — including Biden, who is Catholic, and members of Congress, who are overwhelmingly Christian — behind their cause.

The Rev. Munther Isaac, pastor of Bethlehem’s Evangelical Lutheran Christmas Church, addresses a vigil at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church in Washington, Tuesday, Nov. 28, 2023. (RNS photo/Jack Jenkins)

The Rev. Munther Isaac, pastor of Bethlehem’s Evangelical Lutheran Christmas Church, addresses a vigil at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church in Washington, Tuesday, Nov. 28, 2023. (RNS photo/Jack Jenkins)

“We had meetings at the Hill and the White House, and it feels like speaking to a judge who neither fears God nor has respect for people,” Isaac said, referencing the Gospel of Luke.

A White House National Security Council spokesperson told RNS their staff “valued the opportunity to meet with the group of Palestinian Christian leaders and to hear directly from them their perspectives on the current crisis.” The spokesperson added that officials conveyed to the faith leaders how the Biden administration backed the deal that led to the recent humanitarian pause, which allowed for the release of hostages and flow of aid into Gaza.

Even so, Isaac’s frustration was still evident on Sunday. In a post published on X, the pastor and theologian referenced last week’s United Nations Security Council vote on a proposal to demand an immediate humanitarian cease-fire in Gaza. Thirteen of the 15 council members voted in favor, while the United Kingdom abstained. The United States cast the lone “no” vote.

“I was asked today by a journalist if we received a response from the white house to the letter we sent from the churches in Bethlehem asking for a ceasefire,” Isaac wrote in his post. “I answered that the response was the veto vote in the UN. They celebrate Christmas in their land, and wage war in our land.”

Protesters chain themselves to White House fence demanding Gaza cease-fire

'As Jewish elders, we know what genocide looks like, and we know what it feels like,' says demonstrator

Michael Gabriel Hernandez |11.12.2023 - 
A group of Jewish elders chained themselves to the White House perimeter fence Monday in protest of US President Joe Biden's policies during the war in the Gaza Strip in Washington DC, United States on December 11, 2023.
 Photo : ( Celal Güneş - AA )


A group of Jewish elders chained themselves to the White House perimeter fence Monday in protest of US President Joe Biden's policies during the war in the besieged Gaza Strip.

The group of about a dozen protesters read aloud the names of those killed in Gaza during the over two-month war there, reciting a Jewish chant asking that their memory be a blessing after each name was called out.

"We're here today because as Jewish elders, we know what genocide looks like, and we know what it feels like. It's in our memories. It's in our bodies," Esther Farmer, a spokesperson for the group Jewish Elders for Palestinian Freedom, said during a brief interview with Anadolu. "We are here to tell Biden he needs to stop funding and arming this genocide."

Police ultimately broke up the demonstration, using bolt cutters to sever the chain that affixed protesters to the White House fence. Many were escorted away with their fists raised in a sign of defiance.

The protest took place just hours before Biden and First Lady Jill Biden host the annual Haukah party at the White House. Vice President Kamala Harris and second gentleman Doug Emhoff are slated to host another holiday reception at the Naval Observatory on Monday evening.

Activists calling for Gaza ceasefire protest in US Senate office building

US Capitol Police said they arrested 51 people in total as a result of the demonstration.

DECEMBER 11, 2023
Activists engage in civil disobedience in Hart Senate Office Building, part of the U.S. Capitol complex, to call for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza and redirection of military aid for Israel, in Washington, U.S. December 11, 2023.(photo credit: ALLISON BAILEY/REUTERS)

Several dozen activists calling for the United States to push for a permanent ceasefire between Israel and Hamas briefly protested in a US Senate office building on Monday before police ended the protest and took dozens into custody.

Groups, including the US Campaign for Palestinian Rights and Jewish Voice for Peace organized the protest, which called for the US government to divert funds to domestic priorities such as affordable housing and childcare instead of further arming Israel with US weapons.
Arrests made during the protest

One activist was arrested after he climbed up onto a 51-foot (15.5 m) high black steel sculpture by artist Alexander Calder. Others chanted "ceasefire now" and wore shirts with the slogan "invest in life" as they linked arms.

US Capitol Police said they arrested 51 people in total as a result of the demonstration. Reuters images show activists engaging in civil disobedience in Hart Senate Office Building, part of the US Capitol complex where many senators and committees have their offices.

Activists engage in civil disobedience in Hart Senate Office Building, part of the U.S. Capitol complex, to call for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza and redirection of military aid for Israel, in Washington, U.S. December 11, 2023. (credit: ALLISON BAILEY/REUTERS)

"Funding more death and destruction of human life...makes no one secure, and instead fuels hatred and continued war," Sandra Tamari, executive director of the Adalah Justice Project, one of the groups involved in the protest. "The Senate must heed our urgent demand to stop funding militarism and instead invest in life."

The Gaza health ministry said 18,205 people had now been killed and 49,645 wounded in air strikes on Gaza since Israel attacked the territory in retaliation for Hamas' Oct. 7 attack, which led to the deaths of roughly 1,200 Israelis.

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