Friday, December 29, 2023

Russian airstrikes plummet after Ukraine destroyed four Russian Su-34 fighter jets

The New Voice of Ukraine
Thu, December 28, 2023 


Russia daily airstrikes on the Tavria front have dramatically plummeted following the destruction of four Russian Su-34 fighter jets by the Ukrainian Armed Forces last week, Tavria Defense Forces spokesperson, Oleksandr Shtupun, told Radio Liberty on Dec. 27.

The invaders have opted for a reduced air arsenal, relying solely on Su-25 attack aircraft and Ka-52 attack helpicopters for strikes in the Tavria operational zone since the destruction of the Russian aircraft in Donetsk Oblast, Shtupun said.

Read also: Ukraine Air Force comments of destruction of 3 Russian Su-34 fighters, gives their approximate cost

"In simpler terms, the number of airstrikes has plummeted. Previously, we saw 15, 17, and even up to 20 per day. For instance, the day before yesterday witnessed only three airstrikes, and yesterday, there were seven," he said.

The Ukrainian Armed Forces effectively maintain their defensive position near Avdiivka, crediting the success partly to fortified structures developed during the full-scale war. Ukraine has fortifications extended to both rear positions and the second line of defense, leading Shtupun to believe that an operational breakthrough is unlikely.

Read also: Russian Air Force has to find new strategy after the destruction of three Su-34s

Ukrainian military forces downed three Russian Su-34s in southern Ukraine on Dec. 22, with intelligence sources confirming the elimination of Russian pilots as well.

The Ukrainian Armed Forces then downed another Su-34 on the Mariupol front and a Su-30 that had targeted Odesa Oblast on Dec. 24.

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