Friday, December 15, 2023

Ruins of 2,500-year-old city resurface — here’s why the find has people conflicted

Leo Collis
Fri, December 15, 2023 

Severe weather conditions in Turkey have led to the reveal of a 2,500-year-old ancient Greek city that hasn’t been seen for the last three decades.

Newsweek reported that the ancient city of Skepsis became visible in 2022 after water in the Bayramiç Dam in Çanakkale receded following months of drought.

“It was a wealthy city in the region of northwest Turkey with its own temple, agora and other public buildings that minted coins in the ancient Troas region,” professor Oğuz Koçyiğit from Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University told the publication.

Among the ruins were a 1,500-year-old church, a bathhouse, and tombs in a necropolis — with the latter featuring burial sites from the late B.C. period.

A cave has been exposed at Canyon Lake after water levels continue to fall. Divers have previously found proof that two towns are at the bottom of Canyon Lake.   — KSAT 12 (@ksatnews) September 26, 2023

The sight of the ruins provides a fascinating glimpse into history for archaeologists, but it only came about because of a troubling development.

Skepsis became visible following Turkey’s severe drought in the summer of 2022, dropping water levels in the dam to just 10% of its maximum capacity, according to Newsweek.

That put local farmers who used the water from the dam under serious pressure and resulted in a decrease in food production.

Drought can have a number of serious consequences for the environment and residents living in an area of water scarcity.

According to the National Drought Mitigation Center of The University of Nebraska, it can lead to the destruction of animal habitats, crop harm, poor soil quality, wildfires, and limited drinking water for both humans and animals.

According to the United Nations, there is “strong evidence” that drought conditions are increasing worldwide because of human-caused pollution.

“From 1970 to 2019, drought was one of the hazards that led to the largest human losses, with a total of approximately 650,000 deaths,” a UN report read. “An estimated 55 million people globally are directly affected by droughts every year, making it the most serious hazard to livestock and crops in nearly every part of the world.”

The drought in Turkey isn’t the only example of these conditions revealing centuries-old ruins. In Texas in 2023, for example, water levels were so low at Canyon Lake that 19th-century communities and hidden caves were revealed.

Çanakkale'deki Bayramiç Barajı'nda su seviyesinin düşmesiyle Skepsis Antik Kenti'ne ait hamam ve kilise kalıntıları 30 yıl sonra tekrar ortaya çıktı. Kaynak: DHA (25.11.2022)#arkeolojihaber #arkeoloji #DahaFazlaArkeoloji     — arkeolojihaber ® (@arkeolojihaber) November 26, 2022

This all serves as a reminder of the global impact of drought and the need to reduce planet-warming pollution that exacerbates this extreme weather.

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