Wednesday, December 27, 2023

UK becomes first G20 nation to halve carbon emissions

ByNeil Johnston
December 27, 2023 

The UK has become the first country in the G20 to halve its carbon emissions, the net zero minister said.

Claire Coutinho, the Secretary of State for Energy Security and Net Zero, said that new data indicating emissions had halved in 50 years show Britain was a world leader in tackling climate change.

Cooling towers at a decommissioned coal power station in Warrington, north-west England.

Data compiled by the Global Carbon Project, a research partner of the World Climate Research programme, show that UK CO₂ emissions are now down 52 per cent on the peak in the 1970s.

According to the data, updated last month, UK emissions from fossil energy production were 319 million tons in 2022 – down from 660 million tons in 1971.

As late as 2010, the UK was still emitting more than 500 million tons each year.

Coutinho shared an analysis of the data in a blog post from The Spectator magazine which first highlighted the figures.

“Britain is the first country in the G20 to halve its carbon emissions. We are world leaders in tackling climate change,” she said.

“That’s why it’s so important we make sure we’re not burdening hard-working families, but bringing them with us as we continue on our transition to net zero.”

According to the data, the UK first reached the milestone of halving emissions in 2020 as the country locked down but the data shows that it has now reached the target in a normal year where the economy was not crippled by a pandemic.

Each country’s peak emissions varies depending on their economy or circumstances but over the same period the US has gone from 4366 million tons to 5057 million tons. US emissions peaked in 2005 at 6132 million tons.

French emissions are below the UK at 298 million tons, but only down from a peak of 539 million tons in 1973 while Germany is emitting 666 million tons, down from 1118 in 1979.

An offshore wind farm near Hartlepool, in England’s north-east.

In contrast, emissions from emerging economies continue to rise.

China’s emissions are now 11,397 million tons compared to 808 in 1970 and 3649 in 2000 while India’s are 2830 compared to 182 in 1970 and 978 in 2000.

The data comes as British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak overhauls the government’s net zero policies designed to help the UK meet its target of cutting its carbon emissions to net zero by 2050.

Sunak has pushed back the ban on sales of new diesel and petrol cars from 2030 to 2035 and ditched plans for tougher energy efficiency rules for landlords.

The figures had gone under the radar but were spotted by Fraser Nelson, the editor of The Spectator, who said critics of the UK would be focusing on the data if it had gone in the other direction.


“A pretty major milestone has been achieved: Britain has become the first major country to halve its carbon emissions,” he said.

“The rapid pace of UK environmental progress means that our output is now below 319 million tons – half the 652 million tons at our 1970s peak.

“This is in spite of Britain now having a far larger population and economy than 50 years ago.”

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