Sunday, December 31, 2023

#CeasefireNow – a New Year’s Message from John McDonnell Labour MP

“After witnessing last night the pictures on our TVs of more Palestinian children being killed in Gaza, I don’t believe any politician’s New Year message is relevant unless it calls for an end to the massacre of these innocent children & calls for an immediate ceasefire.”John McDonnell MP

Please find below the video and text of a message from John McDonnell, which he posted on his social media accounts on 31 December, emphasising support for the international calls for a #Ceasefire now, and peace and justice for Palestine.

“It’s a long standing tradition for political and religious leaders to put out a New Year’s message setting out their plans and hopes for the new year.

This is accompanied by wishing people a Happy New Year.

After witnessing last night the pictures on our television screens of more Palestinian children being killed in Gaza, I don’t believe any politician’s or religious leader’s New Year message is relevant unless it calls for an end to the massacre of these innocent children and calls for an immediate ceasefire.

And of course, that includes the release of the Israeli hostages.

Without a demand from the international community for a ceasefire the world leaders are in effect tacitly giving permission for what many legal experts consider war crimes to continue.

So yes, I want to wish everyone a Happy New Year but above all else I want to wish for peace, an end to the bombing and killing whether it be in Gaza, Israel or Ukraine.

Let’s try and make 2024 the year we learn to make peace again not war.”

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Featured image: John McDonnell speaks at the Britain is Broken rally at London’s Trafalgar Square on Saturday 12th January 2018. Photo credit: Garry Knight under CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Public Domain Dedication

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