Thursday, December 21, 2023

Ukraine lawmakers vote to legalize medical marijuana and help ease stress from the war with Russia

Associated Press
Thu, December 21, 2023 


Cadets practice putting on gas masks during a lesson in a bomb shelter in a cadet lyceum in Kyiv, Ukraine, Tuesday, June 6, 2023. Writing on the wall reads: "Glory to Ukraine". (AP Photo/Efrem Lukatsky)

KYIV, Ukraine (AP) — Ukraine’s parliament voted Tuesday to legalize medical marijuana, after the war with Russia left thousands of people with post-traumatic stress disorder that many believe could be eased by the drug.

The new law, which will come into effect in six months’ time and which also allows cannabis to be used for scientific and industrial ends, passed by 248 votes in the 401-seat parliament in Kyiv. A full breakdown of the vote wasn't immediately available. The law was proposed by Prime Minister Denys Smyhal.

The possible legalization of medical marijuana has long been debated in Ukraine. Many people argued in favor of the benefits the treatment can bring, while others feared legalizing medical marijuana would lead to an influx of drugs on the streets of Ukrainian cities.

The debate gained new momentum after Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine on Feb. 24, 2022. The Kremlin’s forces have repeatedly used powerful missiles to blast civilian targets across the country, with devastating consequences.

Many people are believed to be suffering from stress and anxiety.

The legislation imposes strict controls on cannabis production and distribution. A doctor’s prescription will be required to obtain any medicine containing cannabis. Recreational use of cannabis remains a criminal offense.

Ukraine Moves to Legalize Medical Marijuana to Treat Veterans

Volodymyr Verbyany and Aliaksandr Kudrytski
Thu, December 21, 2023 

(Bloomberg) -- Ukraine’s parliament approved the legalization of medical cannabis as the nation responds to the growing ranks of war veterans requiring treatment for injuries and post-traumatic stress disorder.

The legislation to regulate medical, scientific and industrial use of cannabis passed with a majority of 248 in the 450-seat assembly in Kyiv, lawmaker Yaroslav Zheleznyak said on Telegram. A total of 16 members opposed the motion.

Support to legalize medical marijuana has gathered steam in Ukraine as Russia’s invasion approaches its second year and discussion in the country centered on the drug’s benefits in treating severe pain and addressing mental health. President Volodymyr Zelenskiy is expected to sign the bill into law, which could go into effect some time in the second half of 2024, Zheleznyak said.

War Moves Ukraine Toward Medical Cannabis Legalization: The Dose

“For our citizens not to endure the pain, stress and trauma of the war, we must finally justifiably legalize treatment based on medical cannabis for everyone who needs it,” Zelenskiy told the assembly in June.

The move faced resistance among some political forces in parliament. The populist party led by former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko argued legalization would trigger uncontrolled production — and said the matter should be put to Ukrainian voters in a referendum.

Cannabis has been legalized in many US states, where supporters say it can treat an array of conditions including chronic pain, depression and PTSD. The latter is particularly focused on those returning from war, where advocates have pointed at a much higher suicide rate among veterans than in the general public.

Ukraine legalises medical cannabis
Ukrainska Pravda
Thu, December 21, 2023 

The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (Ukrainian parliament) has adopted in the second reading bill No 7457 on legalisation of medical marijuana.

Source: MP Yaroslav Zhelezniak

Details: Zhelezniak posted a photo of the screen in the Rada with voting results on this bill in the second reading.

The Servant of the People faction gave 178 votes in favour, Voice – 19, Platform for Life and Peace – 10, Restoration of Ukraine – 12, For Future – 7, Trust – 12.

No one from the European Solidarity or Fatherland factions supported this bill.

A total of 238 MPs voted for the bill.

Zhelezniak says that the law regulates the circulation of cannabis only in medical, industrial, and scientific activities, and the distribution of marijuana for recreational use will continue to be considered a crime.

"Medicinal cannabis-based products can only be obtained with an electronic prescription. The doctor will prescribe it to the patient based on their condition, similar to the current practice with morphine," he wrote.

The law will come into effect six months after its publication.


MPs introduced 882 amendments to bill No 7457 on the legalisation of medical cannabis.

In July, the Verkhovna Rada adopted the bill in the first reading.

The Parliamentary Committee on National Health recommended the adoption of the bill on the legalisation of medical cannabis in the second reading with amendments.

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