Saturday, January 06, 2024


2024 is not yet one week old we already have an important fight on our hands in Panama.

The government there has declared war on SUNTRACS, a construction workers' union affiliated to the Building and Wood Workers' International (BWI).

As BWI reports, SUNTRACS "is being penalized with persecutory, repressive and intimidating treatment by Panamanian authorities for its prominent role in the protests which defeated a 40-year mining concession for transnational company First Quantum Minerals. The extractive policy would have caused grave social and environmental damage."

Following the success of the union campaign, the government accused union leaders of "terrorism".

SUNTRACS leaders are being sued by the Public Prosecutor's Office, accused of committing crimes against freedom and the economic order to the detriment of Panamanian society. Furthermore, on 13 November, the state-owned Savings Bank closed SUNTRACS bank accounts.

BWI and SUNTRACS are calling on the entire international trade union movement to show solidarity with these brave workers in Panama and demand an end to the persecution of their union.

To learn more and to show your support, click here.

And please share this message with your friends, family and fellow trade union members.

Thank you!

Eric Lee

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