Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Albertans have a message for UCP



Members of the provincial government will be back in the Legislature soon, but right now they are supposed to be in their local communities hearing from their constituents like you.

Albertans have a message for them. You can help make sure it’s loud and clear - LEAVE OUR PENSIONS ALONE!

There are so many urgent priorities for our communities right now, like fixing our buckling health system and reducing cost of living. It doesn’t make any sense to spend public resources promoting a scheme that will put our pensions at risk. We have to tell this government to stop trying to fix something that isn’t broken and focus on solutions to real problems.

On January 28th and 29th, take a post-it-note or a piece of paper (or many!) along with painters’ tape (or masking tape) to stick on your local MLA's office window or door telling them to keep their "HANDS OFF OUR CPP!"

Leave your email address on your note if you’d like to hear back from your MLA. Some will respond.

Don't forget to post a photo using the hashtag #HandsOffOurCPP

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