Sunday, January 07, 2024

Dog’s sit-down protest on Scafell Pike forces mountain rescue to save the day

Telegraph reporters
Fri, 5 January 2024 

Dexter knows his own mind and made his owners and the rescue team well aware that he had no plans on moving an inch

Mountain rescuers were called out when a tired 6st (40kg) dog staged a sit-down protest on England’s highest peak.

Dexter, a Dobermann/Belgian Malinois cross, had been walking up Scafell Pike in the Lake District with his owners when, close to the summit, he decided he had climbed far enough.

The dog sat down and refused all attempts to coax him into carrying on with the walk.

As darkness started to descend and with the walkers failing to check in with loved-ones, family members had no option but to call in mountain rescuers, who trekked up the 978M (3208ft) peak at 11.30pm on Tuesday.

As the rescuers approached they were able to locate the stricken climbers because Dexter began to bark and howl when he heard their approach.

But when no amount of coaxing, pushing and pulling could persuade him to leave his perch, the eight members of the rescue team were forced to camp out on the mountain with the dog and its owners and hope for better luck at daybreak.

His owners were well equipped for spending a night outdoors but rescuers also erected bivvy shelters to protect from the wind and cold.

To the team’s relief, Dexter overcame his stubbornness the following morning and was led down the hill on a 50m rope.

Dexter's stubborn streak forced his owners and the rescuers to camp overnight on the mountain before being coaxed down at daybreak - Kevin Donald

A spokesman for Wasdale Mountain Rescue Team said: “Due to the weather conditions, and potential for hypothermia, a full callout was made and additional support from Duddon and Furness Mountain Rescue Team and Lake District Search Dogs.

“After searches of several areas, the team assigned to Hollow Stones heard barking and howling and spotted a light high on Scafell.

“The walkers were uninjured, cold, and had not wanted to leave their dog on the fell.

“They were equipped well enough to spend an unplanned night on the fell, and we found that Dexter was trained to bark and howl, thus initially attracting our attention.

“Other rescuers harnessed the energy to make the hard pull up to their location but no amount of encouragement could make Dexter move downhill.

“The agreed course of action was to wait for daylight and hope that he regained his confidence to move downhill with better visibility. As such, bivvy shelters were deployed for all, and a long ‘paws’ ensued.

“After a ‘woof’ night, as dawn broke, further attempts were made but Dexter stood fast. As hope was fading a last ditch attempt was made with a 50m rope lead and he was gently encouraged downhill.

“Thankfully once he started moving there were no further problems and a brisk, boisterous and friendly walk with Dexter was then made back to Brackenclose.”

The rescuers - seen here with Dexter - look happy despite the night spent on the mountain - Kevin Donald

Sara Kelly, the mother of Dexter’s owner, thanked the rescuers.

She said: “This was my son and dog. They have climbed all of the local mountains as far as Ben Nevis together without any issues. Something just spooked him this time.

“We knew something was wrong when they didn’t check in as planned. We called the police and the team were there in no time. We cannot thank you all enough.”

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