Thursday, January 25, 2024


USCG Works With Good Samaritan to Rescue Four Fishermen off Kodiak

Jayhawk SAR helicopter at Air Station Kodiak, 2021 (USCG file image)
Jayhawk SAR helicopter at Air Station Kodiak, 2021 (USCG file image)



On Sunday, the U.S. Coast Guard worked alongside a good samaritan vessel to rescue four fishermen from the fishing vessel Alaska Rose, which had capsized just off Chiniak Island, Alaska. 

At about 1630 hours, Coast Guard Sector Anchorage received a mayday call from the crew of the Alaska Rose, who reported that their vessel were taking on water. The sector's watchstanders broadcast a request for assistance from nearby vessels and dispatched a Jayhawk rescue helicopter from Air Station Kodiak. 

At about 1656, less than half an hour after the mayday call, the aircrew arrived on scene. Conditions were relatively rough, with waves of eight feet and winds of about 30 knots. The aircrew found that the Alaska Rose had capsized and the crew had gone into the water. One person remained on the hull of the capsized vessel, and they hoisted the survivor aboard and flew back to Air Station Kodiak. 

Three other crewmembers were in the water, and a good samaritan vessel - the Kylia - retrieved all three safely and transferred them back to Kodiak. Water temperatures near Kodiak Island currently average about 40 degrees, posing a risk to survival in the event of long-duration immersion. 

“I wholeheartedly thank the good Samaritans involved,” said Lt. Madeline Romito, Sector Anchorage command duty officer. “The quick response between them and the helicopter crew played a major role in the positive outcome of this case.”

The Alaska Rose is believed to have gone down after the rescue, according to local KMXT. 

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