Saturday, February 03, 2024

'A fraud': Dem slams Trump for paying 'non-union workers to pose as union members'

David McAfee
February 2, 2024 11:36PM ET

Donald Trump on Friday was called out for being a purported fraud when a Democratic lawmaker responded to reports that the ex-president had paid around $20,000 in order to host a pretend union rally at a plant that is not unionized.

Rep. Daniel Goldman was responding to a report flagged by former prosecutor Ron Filipkowski, who claimed that the former president's campaign had paid "$20k to fake a union rally."

Goldman responded to that story, elaborating to his supporters exactly what this means for the ex-president.

"Trump paid non-union workers to pose as union members in Michigan during the UAW strike," he said. "Trump is a fraud."

Goldman then added:

"He’s anti-union, anti-worker, and anti-labor. Don’t be fooled by his talk. Look at his actions. He just cares about himself and his cronies."

One popular social media account joined in the fun by mimicking both presidential contenders Friday.

"Joe Biden: saved my pension and the pensions of hundreds of thousands of my fellow unionized employees," the account wrote. "Trump: paid $20k to scabs to stage a fake union rally at a non union plant."

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