Sunday, February 18, 2024

Insurgent Notes #25 (2023) Special Issue on Ukraine

2023 issue of this Journal of Communist Theory and Practice, with articles from a range of authors on the war in Ukraine.

January-2023-Special-issue-on-Ukraine.pdf (2.94 MB)

Insurgent Notes

Submitted by Fozzie on February 6, 2024

Introduction to the Special Issue on Ukraine - Ross Wolfe
Capitalist Crisis and the War in Ukraine - Sander
Against the Russia Invasion of Ukraine, for the Successful Resistance of the Ukrainian People - John Garvey
Untimely Thoughts: Notes on Revolution and Ukraine- Andrew
War of the Decomposition of Russian Capitalism: Neo-Imperialism, Exacerbated Violence, and Global Civil War - Pablo Jiménez
Contra Leninist Anti-Imperialism: Capital War Means Social Peace - Antithesi
Response to John Garvey - Karmína
The Warn in Ukraine Through Some Memories of the Yugoslav Wars - Rob Myers
Revolutionary Defeatism Today - Devrim Valerian
Peace Is War - Gilles Dauvé
Contradictions in the German Discourse Around the War in Ukraine - Konstantin Bethscheider
Another Russia Is Possible: On the Moral Responsibility of Western Leaders for the War in Ukraine - Grigory Yudin
Behind the Frontlines: An Interview with Andrew After the Ukrainian Counteroffensive - Kosmoprolet
War as Spectacle - Ricardo Noronha
Two Short Texts on the Invasion of Ukraine: Death and Extinction & Nothing Is Resolved - Jacques Camatte

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