Friday, February 23, 2024

Only liberals drink skim milk, Tory MP Jacob Rees-Mogg declares

“Full fat, creamy milk will nourish your inner Tory,” says Brexit champion.

Conservative MP Jacob Rees-Mogg professed his deep love for whole milk Wednesday | Leon Neal/Getty Images

FEBRUARY 21, 2024

LONDON — Britain’s culture wars just got an unlikely new battleground: the humble milk carton.

Conservative MP Jacob Rees-Mogg professed his deep love for whole milk Wednesday — and insisted only liberals “drink skimmed milk to go with their faux leather sandals.”

Rees-Mogg was posting after using a slot on the right-wing channel GB News to rate a host of “ghastly” milk alternatives and talk up a sales boon for whole milk. It comes as Rishi Sunak’s Conservatives try to woo rural voters disillusioned with the governing party.

The ex-minister — a darling of the Tory right who once ran Britain’s business and energy departments, and held the short-lived “Brexit opportunities” brief — used the show to take a swipe at oat, almond and cashew substitutes.

These, he reminded viewers, “can’t be milked” — while almond milk in particular “tastes like porridge liquefied.”

“The good news is that full fat or traditional milk is back on the rise,” Rees-Mogg beamed, after taking aim at the “health lobby” which he claimed had for years “ostracized” dairy.

As a dairy farmer from Cheshire looked on in the studio, the Tory MP sampled a host of milk alternatives before informing viewers: “Food is really an excuse to have as much cream as possible.”

“Full fat, creamy milk will nourish your inner Tory,” Rees-Mogg then thundered on social media platform X as he shared the segment.

Responding, Labour MP Stella Creasy seemed less than impressed with a genuine TV clip that appeared beyond parody even for an MP known for taking potshots at the left.

“We must tackle deepfake technology being used to create political content urgently, before they further undermine what confidence people have left in democracy,” the opposition MP said of Rees-Mogg’s milk moment.

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