Friday, February 09, 2024

Sinn Fein says US visit will highlight ‘Palestinian freedom’ and ‘demand end to Israel’s war’

Declan Kearney (Brian Lawless/PA)

Kurtis Reid

Sinn Fein has reiterated the party will use their annual Washington St Patrick’s Day trip to highlight solidarity with those living in Gaza.

Speaking at an event in Belfast’s Europa Hotel this evening, MLA Declan Kearney said Sinn Fein will be “demanding an end to Israel’s war” and promoting “Palestinian national freedom” in visits to the White House, Capitol Hill and the US State Department.

Sinn Fein alongside NI’s other major parties annually travel to the United States on St Patrick’s Day where they meet with the US President.

The party has faced staunch criticism over their plans to visit the United States this year given the US Government’s role in providing aid and support to Israel.

Earlier this month, First Minister Michelle O'Neill confirmed her party would not boycott the US trip but would instead use it to advocate for an end to the “Israeli genocidal war”.

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At this evening’s Palestine solidarity rally, Mr Kearney said: “For over 124 days we have watched a war of genocide be broadcast and recorded in real time by the victims of that same genocide, with more than 27,000 Palestinians now confirmed dead.”

The event was attended by Palestinian Ambassador to Ireland, and General Secretary of the Palestinian National Initiative, Mustafa Barghouti on video link.

“Ethnic cleansing and genocide is being implemented across Palestine by the Israeli government with total impunity, and with the complicity of the US, Britain, and other western powers,” Mr Kearney added.

“Across Ireland, Sinn Féin is introducing motions in councils which will require the compliance of ethical investment and purchasing practices.”

He added that “all Irish influence must be used on behalf of Palestine”.

“We must not be silent. We will ensure the plight of the Palestinian people is spoken of, and heard everywhere. We refuse to stop talking about Palestine.

“The Palestinian people need the combined political and civic pressure of Ireland to be used at home, and internationally on their behalf.

“To achieve a permanent, unconditional ceasefire. The withdrawal of all Israeli forces from both Gaza and the West Bank. And an end to the human suffering of every Palestinian through effective initiatives, and campaigns.

“This should take primacy over everything else.”

The conflict between Israel and Gaza has continued following a Hamas-led attack against Israel which resulted in the death of over 1,000 Israelis and kidnapping of hundreds of hostages last October.

Hamas is a proscribed terrorist organisation in the UK

Following the attacks, Israel launched a counterattack by bombing the Gaza Strip and launching an invasion.

The Hamas-led health ministry in Gaza has said Israel’s military offensive has killed over 25,000 Palestinians and injured at least 62,000 people, with the United Nations saying women and children are the main victims.

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