Tuesday, February 20, 2024


Stephen Fry: American corporations want our NHS

19 February 2024

You have a short window ahead of the next election to put pressure on the political candidates seeking your vote to sign up to 3 key commitments to save our NHS.

The #NHSPledge campaign is well and truly underway: our latest video of campaign supporter Stephen Fry WENT VIRAL on Tiktok, with over 250,000 views and counting.

Stephen Fry is one of the celebrities backing our call for policians to commit to: 

  • Fund our NHS properly in line with comparable European countries
  • Reinstate the Health Secretary's legal duty to provide healthcare to all
  • Bring services outsourced to for-profit companies back into the NHS as contracts end

We've been hitting the headlines too, with wrote-ups in publications including The Independent and Left Foot Forward.

Take action right now: 

  • If your candidate hasn't yet taken the Pledge for the NHS, you can send them a letter in just 2 minutes using our online tool HERE.
  • You can share our latest video on FacebookTiktok or X - and follow us if you don't already.

Watch a longer cut of the video below (and follow us on YouTube!)

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