Saturday, February 24, 2024

GB News investor Sir Paul Marshall liked and shared far-right, Islamophobic, homophobic, conspiracy theory posts

Basit Mahmood 
23 February, 2024 

Sir Paul Marshall, one of the biggest and most influential media moguls in the country, is a GB News investor and reported frontrunner to buy the Spectator and Telegraph.


Sir Paul Marshall, one of the biggest and most influential media moguls in the country, who is a GB News investor and reported frontrunner to buy the Spectator and Telegraph, has been found to have shared and liked multiple far-right, Islamophobic, homophobic, conspiracy theory posts.

An investigation carried out by the News Agents with anti-extremist organisation Hope not Hate, found that Marshall, who is co-founder and chairman of Marshall Wace Asset Management, one of Europe’s biggest hedge fund groups, liked a number of extremist tweets.

Marshall, whose Twitter account used to be public, then made his account private, changing the user handle to areopagus123, which matches that of a company set up by Marshall in 2021, liked one tweet which said that it ‘is just a matter of time before civil war starts in Europe. The native European population is losing patience with the fake refugees invaders’.

News Agents presenter and journalist Lewis Goodall went on to say: “In January 2024, Sir Paul liked another tweet which warned that if we want European civilisation to survive we need to not just close the borders but start mass expulsions immediately.

“We don’t stand a chance unless we start that process very soon.”

Another tweet liked by Sir Paul included one which claimed that: “Civil war is coming.

“There has never been a country that has remained peaceful with a sizeable Islamic presence. Why do our leaders believe that Britain would be an exception to that rule?

“Once the Muslims get to 15-20% of the population the current cold civil war will turn hot.”

Hope not Hate goes on to report: “Another anti-Muslim campaigner to have caught Marshall’s eye is Amy Mek, a notorious pro-Trump campaigner whose social media output has consistently focused on demonising Muslims.

“Earlier this year Marshall retweeted a post from Mek which warned of the “The four stages of Islamic conquest”, which stated that Muslim immigration was a form of “infiltration” that would lead to “the establishment of a totalitarian Islamic theocracy”, while in another post he condemned “useful idiots” in the Church for engaging in interfaith activities with Muslims.”

Hope not Hate also reported that Marshall had retweeted a post in February appearing to group homosexuality with “worshipping satan, evil [and] corrupting children”, referring to the other side as “demons”.

Asked about his social media activity, Marshall issued the following statement to Hope not Hate: “Paul Marshall’s account is private but is nonetheless followed by 5000 people including many journalists. He posts on a wide variety of subjects and those cited represent a small and unrepresentative sample of over 5000 posts. This sample does not represent his views.

“As most X/Twitter users know, it can be a fountain of ideas, but some of it is of uncertain quality and all his posts have now been deleted to avoid any further misunderstanding.”

It should worry us all that Marshall, who could wield even more influence if he succeeds in buying the Telegraph and Spectator, influencing the direction of the Tory party, holds such views.

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