Sunday, March 10, 2024


State of the Union: War and Genocide Are Still the American Way

President Biden’s State of the Union address made one thing clear: war, genocide, and militarism remains the Amercian way. From Gaza to Ukraine, from the Middle East to the borders of our own nation, the toll of violence from militarism is immeasurable. Will we ever see an end to the cycle of destruction fueled by capitalism and U.S. imperialism?

Firstly, let’s address the white elephant in the war. Before the speech started, Democratic women leaders were shown wearing white in honor of women and feminism. But let’s be very clear, whether it’s women sending bombs or men, the result remains the same: women and children are being murdered, communities shattered, and futures erased. There’s no feminism in complicity with war and genocide, nor is there honor in turning a blind eye to the cries of the oppressed who are very loudly asking us to quit sending the bombs that are murdering their people.

Biden started the speech with an appeal for more money to fund the War in Ukraine. Yet in the two years since Russia invaded Ukraine with over a hundred billion dollars spent and countless lives lost Ukrainians are no closer to peace. Peace cannot be found in the endless military packages but in the corridors of diplomacy and peace talks, where dialogue and negotiation pave the way for lasting solutions.

He then moved on to taunt the need to protect democracy yet the White House and Congress continuously ignore the majority of the country who want an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, specifically Biden’s own voter base. A true democracy happens not just at the ballot box but beyond it. Yet, Biden chooses to ignore the very people who put him in office.

Along with “protecting democracy,” Biden also vowed to protect the environment. However, the contribution to militarism cannot be ignored. The U.S. military ranks as one of the largest consumers of oil globally, contributing significantly to greenhouse gas emissions. Instead of investing in renewable energy and supporting a just transition, precious resources are squandered to war and conflicts that ravage the planet and accelerate climate change.

President Biden’s support for Israel’s genocide in Gaza and occupation of Palestine is a stain on the moral fabric of our nation. And he leaned into that support in his address. Using lies and unsubstantiated claims he attempted to legitimize Israel’s genocidal response to Oct. 7. However no matter how he tries to spin it — the death and destruction that innocent people are enduring on a daily basis, mostly women and children, cannot be justified in the name of political alliances or strategic interests. Nothing, absolutely justifies genocide and ethnic cleansing.

Biden’s latest response to Israel’s countless war crimes is to build a “temporary” port off the shores of Gaza to allow for humanitarian aid to enter the besieged land. But a temporary port does nothing to stop the permanent death and destruction from U.S. made bombs. It’s time to halt the flow of weapons to Israel or quit pretending to care about the lives of Palestinians.

Biden made it clear that war, genocide, and militarism are all still on top of the U.S. agenda. This will cost us all dearly. He must heed the demands of the public: stop the bombs, stop the militarization of our borders, stop the inhumane blockades that are starving people to death. The media will paint Biden’s speech as strong and positive but make no mistake — a country that relies on the death and destruction of others is a weak one. We desperately need leaders who will prioritize diplomacy over destruction, compassion over conflict, and humanity over hubris. Only then can we truly claim to be a nation committed to justice, equality, and the pursuit of peace for all. Until then, we will continue to be a country committed to war and genocide and never find lasting peace.

Melissa Garriga is the communications and media analysis manager for CODEPINK. She writes about the intersection of militarism and the human cost of war. Read other articles by Melissa.


Outside Her Capitol Hill Office After Pelosi Refuses to Listen to Demands for a Ceasefire

"I'm full of grief that Nancy Pelosi, one of the most powerful people in the government, continues to fund lethal weapons to kill Children in Gaza with our tax dollars"

WASHINGTON – Two CODEPINK members from California were arrested outside Rep Nancy Pelosi’s office today in D.C. after Pelosi refused to talk with them. They have been requesting meetings for months to speak with the California representative about the urgent need for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza and that her constituents do not want their tax dollars going to Israel to sustain the genocide and occupation of Gaza.

“I’m full of grief that Nancy Pelosi, one of the most powerful people in the government, continues to fund lethal weapons to kill Children in Gaza with our tax dollars,” said Cynthia Papermaster, who flew from California in an attempt to get Pelosi to listen. “It fills me with grief to think that my tax dollars are being used to buy hellfire missiles, white phosphorus, F-35 fighter jets that are killing people who are in an open-air concentration camp in Gaza.”

“This is what Nancy Pelosi stands for, and we really cannot handle it. We say enough of that, Pelosi; you have to stop.”

Papermaster was with others in Congress on Thursday urging the women of the Progressive Caucus to not just call for a permanent ceasefire but commit to not funding Israel’s deadly genocide and occupation anymore.

By refusing to end military and financial aid to Israel, Pelosi and other faux “feminists” have created a devastating reproductive justice nightmare in Palestine: 

  • Miscarriages in Palestine have increased by 300%
  • There is little to no access to adequate prenatal and postnatal care, treatment, and medicine for families.
  • 1 in 10 Palestinian women in labor are delayed in reaching hospitals by military checkpoints, which can result in them being forced to give birth in unsafe, undignified, and sometimes fatal conditions
  • Over 94,000 Palestinian women lack access BEFORE Oct. 7; Gaza is home to over a million children without access to proper food, medical services, and freedom of movement.
  • There is a shortage of blood to treat postpartum injuries, and surgeons have performed C-sections with no anesthetic.
  • The Palestinian Family Planning and Protection Association (PFPPA) has worked to ensure the accessibility of sexual and reproductive health care services for Palestinians. Israel destroyed it with an airstrike.

Today’s advocacy on Capitol Hill was part of CODEPINK’s nationwide International Women’s Day campaign to bridge local and international struggles. By uniting in solidarity, we reaffirm our commitment to advocating for reproductive justice and gender equality worldwide while also calling for an end to war and genocide.

For more information about CODEPINK’s congressional advocacy or the International Women’s Day campaign please contact Melissa – gro.knipedoc@assilem.

Codepink is a women-led grassroots organization working to end U.S. wars and militarism, support peace and human rights initiatives, and redirect our tax dollars into healthcare, education, green jobs and other life-affirming programs. Read other articles by Codepink, or visit Codepink's website.

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