Saturday, March 16, 2024

The Attack On Diane Abbott Is An Attack On All Black Women



Diane Abbott is frightened. Let that sink in. On Monday, Britain’s longest-serving Black MP learned that Frank Hester, the Conservative party’s biggest donor, is reported to have said during a meeting in 2019, that she made him “want to hate all Black women” and thought she deserved “to be shot.” For Abbott and Black women in this country who have had to reckon with the comments published by the Guardian this past week, Hester’s racist vitriol is nothing short of terrifying. Because let’s be clear, misogynoir of this severity is an act of violence. This shouldn’t be up for debate.

"It is frightening," said Ms Abbott in a statement released to Good Morning Britain. "I live in Hackney and do not drive, so I find myself, at weekends, popping on a bus or even walking places more than most MPs. I am a single woman and that makes me vulnerable anyway. But to hear someone talking like this is worrying."

"For all of my career as an MP I have thought it important not to live in a bubble, but to mix and mingle with ordinary people,” she added. “The fact that two MPs have been murdered in recent years makes talk like this all the more alarming."

It is truly a sad state of affairs when a Black woman, who has spent decades in the public eye, has to appeal to society’s humanity — reminding of her status as a vulnerable single woman — for Hester’s reported comments to be denounced as outright racism by her peers. Abbott’s fears are rightly shared by Black female politicians, including Birmingham’s first Black woman MP, Labour's Paulette Hamilton who told the BBC that the comments towards Ms Abbott had added to "the threat and anxiety levels of MPs in Parliament".

I think calling for a Black woman to be shot does indeed incite racial hatred and violence and yet, like clockwork, the UK descended into needless debates about whether Hester and his alleged comments were even racist at all. Following the release of Hester’s alleged comments on Monday, cabinet minister Mel Stride said, per BBC News, that, while Hester’s alleged remarks were “inappropriate”, they were not “gender-based or race-based”. Meanwhile, Frank Hester, who is the CEO of software company The Phoenix Partnership and donated £10m to the Tories last year, quickly released an I’m not racist campaign and publicly backtracked from the comments he reportedly made in 2019. “Mr Hester has made clear that while he was rude, his criticism had nothing to do with her gender nor the colour of her skin,” Hester’s spokesperson said. “He has since apologised.” In a statement published to X, formerly Twitter, it was stressed that Hester “wishes to make it clear that he regards racism as a poison which has no place in public life.”

But, as it has been pointed out by many Black journalists and politicians this past week, if this isn’t racist then what is? If these comments aren’t considered violent, then what will be? As Abbott writes herself in an article for the Guardian, “It should be absolutely clear that the reported remarks from Frank Hester were both outrageously racist and sexist and any delay in calling it out is ‘absolutely unconscionable’.”

This week, we’ve waited impatiently in the wings for Frank Hester to face some appropriate consequences for his racism (including growing calls to have him stripped of his OBE). When will it be made clear that you do not get to spout racist hatred and then distance yourself from accusations of racism? If Frank Hester said those racist, vengeful words with his chest, surely he has to own them?

So far, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and his cabinet have offered their lukewarm statements ( it was giving ‘sorrows, sorrows, prayers…’). After initially failing to condemn Hester’s comments as racist until 24 hours later, during Prime Minister’s questions on Wednesday, Sunak said, “The alleged comments were wrong, they were racist, he has rightly apologised for them and that remorse should be accepted. There is no place for racism in Britain, and the government I lead is living proof of that." However, the prime minister also confirmed he would not return the helicopter or money Hester had donated to the party, stating, per BBC News, “No. And I am pleased that the gentleman is supporting a party that represents one of the most diverse governments in this country's history, led by this country's first British Asian prime minister."

Ah. The gaslighting has commenced. Since Sunak’s ascent to No.10 as the UK’s British Asian leader, we have been repeatedly reminded that this is the “most diverse government in this country” resulting, according to them, in a party that adequately reflects the needs and desires of multicultural Britain. In reality, between the Conservative party's racist Rwanda deportation scheme, a long history of legislation that harms Black and brown Brits, and mounting accusations of using anti-muslim rhetoric, this Tory cabinet has long proved its diversity is merely tokenistic.

The racism witnessed in British politics, across both political parties, reflects so much of Black women’s wider experiences in British society; how our feelings and our fears are often invalidated by a country that doesn’t like to admit that it is deeply and systemically flawed when it comes to racism. As Black women, we understand full well how racism and sexism intersect to form a very unique form of oppression, namely misogynoir, that our careers or financial successes don’t protect us from, whether in maternal care or within our professions.

Despite all Diane Abbott has achieved throughout her parliamentary career — the first Black woman to be elected into the House of Commons in 1987 and longstanding MP for Hackney North and Stoke Newington — she also has to wear the unfortunate label of the “most vilified and abused” MP in UK history. Back in 2019, research conducted by Amnesty International found that in the run-up to the 2017 election, the racist and sexist abuse Diane Abbott received accounted for 45% of all abusive tweets against women MPs. No politician should be free from criticism (Abbott was suspended from Labour’s parliamentary party in August 2023), however, Abbott is so viciously ridiculed, dog-piled and verbally abused that it is a wonder how this has impacted her mental health throughout her career.

It was particularly gut-wrenching to watch Diane Abbott stand 46 times during Prime Minister's Questions and be ignored by the speaker, whilst the rest of parliament debated the racist abuse she received. Right now, surely, it is integral to hear Abbott’s voice more than ever. She deserves that — at the very least. As former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn tweeted yesterday, “If Parliament had listened to Diane Abbott: We wouldn't have invaded Iraq. Black Britons wouldn't have been deported in the Windrush Scandal. Our country wouldn't have been decimated by austerity. Diane's voice should not be ignored — her ongoing mistreatment is a disgrace.”

Abbott has since reported Frank Hester to the police, meanwhile, a Metropolitan Police spokesperson said they are “assessing matters.” Good. Hester’s comments are yet another confirmation of what we already know: that no matter how you spin it or dress it up and call it “subtle”, racism is very much alive and well in this country. And, it is terrifying, and violent and can cause irrevocable damage to the Black people it is aimed at.

Painfully, Abbott said in her article for the Guardian that she has become “hardened to racist abuse” over the years. It should go without saying that she shouldn’t have to grow such a thick skin that it becomes calloused. Once again, Black women have to harness an inordinate amount of strength to continue to exist in rooms where we are told we don’t belong. If Diane Abbott makes Frank Hester “hate all Black women” then a verbal attack on Abbott is an attack on all Black women — it takes a blatant and intentional disregard for our humanity to deny it.


1000s say ‘Restore the Whip to Diane Abbott’ as pressure mounts on Starmer

“She should not be left isolated and has a better track record on fighting racism than anyone else in the Labour Party. Racism is not a political football. Keir Starmer must restore the whip.”

Sabby Dhalu, Stand Up to Racism

By Matt Willgress, Labour Outlook

In less than a day a grassroots petition calling on Keir Starmer to restore the Parliamentary Labour Party whip to Diane Abbott has received over 5000 signatures in a day of being launched.

Welcoming the petition and its initial support, Beth Winter MP said, “Diane Abbott has been a trailblazer for black communities and for fighting racism in parliament for more than 35 years. Without her being in the PLP the party risks alienating voters in constituencies across the country.

“The numbers signing the petition shows the strength of feeling which is welcome. The party should show it treats members equally and fairly and restore the whip as it has for other MPs in recent years.”

Tweeting support for the petition, Richard Burgon MP said, “The racism targeted at Diane Abbott by a top Tory donor is appalling. Diane deserves all of our support. As the first black woman MP in UK history and a real Labour hero, that should include Diane being brought back into the Parliamentary Labour Party.”

Commenting on the situation Diane faces, MSP and former Labour leader in Scotland Richard Leonard said, “The violent racism of Frank Hester was vile. It tells you everything you need to know about the Tories.

“The Labour response must be to stand firm with Diane, show practical solidarity and restore the whip without delay.”

The co-convenor of Stand up to Racism, Sabby Dhalu said, “The racism Diane Abbott MP is frequently subjected to is horrific, but to be fearful of her life whilst the government refuse to take action against Tory donor Frank Hester’s racism is extraordinary. Meanwhile Labour uses this racism to score political points against the Tories, whilst failing to address the racism Diane Abbott was subjected to by Labour members. She should not be left isolated and has a better track record on fighting racism than anyone else in the Labour Party. Racism is not a political football. Keir Starmer must restore the whip.”

Labour NEC member and Momentum NCG member Mish Rahman added, “At the very least, the Labour Party should restore the whip, support and stand in solidarity with Diane Abbott who faces intolerable levels of abuse unlike any other politician mainly because the political and media class have normalised her abuse.

She needs to be treated with the respect she deserves as the first Black female MP, someone who has broke glass ceiling after glass ceiling – a pioneer of the Labour movement.

Enough of your factional games. Restore the Whip Now!”

Fellow NEC member Yasmin Dar said, “Diane Abbott has been a trailblazer in British politics, breaking barriers and enduring unacceptable levels of racism throughout her career. Her resilience and determination serve as a testament to her strength and commitment to standing up for social justice. Restore the whip now!”

Commenting on the failure for the whip to be restored to Diane, Labour NEC member Jess Barnard said, “Diane’s treatment under Starmer’s Labour Party and brings shame on the party and undermines any claims that the party is taking racism seriously.

This week we’ve seen one example of the disgusting racist abuse she faces, exposed by the media, but the reality is Diane has been dealing with this on a daily basis for years, with no support from her own party.

Labour should restore the whip, apologise to Diane and start properly supporting women of colour in the parliamentary Labour Party, including Diane, Apsana and Zarah.”

Labour NEC member Gemma Bolton added, “Diane should have been celebrated as Britain’s first black woman MP but instead she has suffered years of hostility and abuse at the hands of not only other parties but also her own. It’s now time for Keir to right this wrong – Restore the Whip Now!”

The petition was initiated by the Labour Assembly Against Austerity. Commenting on behalf of the organisers, a spokesperson said “This great start shows the growing support there is for Diane to have the whip restored. Now we need to up the campaign, including by reaching 10,000 supporters as soon as possible.”

The petition has also been supported by numerous prominent figures on social media including John McDonnell MP, Grace Blakeley, Andrew Fisher, Alex Nunns, Simon Fletcher, James Scheider and Ben Sellers, plus the Labour Women Leading group.

  • The petition can be signed here
  • The whip being restored to Diane has received support this week from a range of forces across and beyond the Labour Party including Ed Balls and Harriet Harman. You can read a detailed summary here.

“We stand with Diane”

Solidarity with Diane Abbott continues to mount, with over  6,000 people signing a Labour Assembly Against Austerity petition and 1,000 people signing a Momentum petition in support of her in under 24 hours.  Earlier this week, Labour Hub reported how the Hackney North and Stoke Newington MP was the focus of a vicious attack by Tory donor Frank Hester in 2019, which has only recently come to light.

Momentum is calling on Keir Starmer to restore the Labour whip to Abbott – and Kate Osamor – and is also highlighting the lack of support shown by the leadership to Muslim MPs.

The petitions come as Angela Rayner MP, Labour Deputy Leader, expressed support for Abbott to be let back into the Party so she can be a candidate for Labour at the next election. Abbott was unanimously adopted in 2022 by her local Party to stand again.

Welcoming the Labour Assembly Against Austerity petition and its initial support, Beth Winter MP said: “Diane Abbott has been a trailblazer for black communities and for fighting racism in parliament for more than 35 years. Without her being in the PLP the party risks alienating voters in constituencies across the country.

“The numbers signing the petition shows the strength of feeling which is welcome. The party should show it treats members equally and fairly and restore the whip as it has for other MPs in recent years.”

Tweeting support for the petition, Richard Burgon MP said: “The racism targeted at Diane Abbott by a top Tory donor is appalling. Diane deserves all of our support. As the first black woman MP in UK history and a real Labour hero, that should include Diane being brought back into the Parliamentary Labour Party.”

Commenting on the situation Diane faces, MSP and former Labour leader in Scotland Richard Leonard said: “The violent racism of Frank Hester was vile. It tells you everything you need to know about the Tories. The Labour response must be to stand firm with Diane, show practical solidarity and restore the whip without delay.”

The co-convenor of Stand up to Racism, Sabby Dhalu said: “The racism Diane Abbott MP is  frequently subjected to is horrific, but to be fearful of her life whilst the government refuse to  take action against Tory donor Frank Hester’s racism is extraordinary. Meanwhile Labour uses  this racism to score political points against the Tories, whilst failing to address the racism Diane Abbott was subjected to by Labour members. She should not be left isolated and has a better track record on fighting racism than anyone else in the Labour Party. Racism is not a political football. Keir Starmer must restore the whip.”

Labour NEC member and Momentum NCG member Mish Rahman added: “At the very least, the Labour Party should restore the whip, support and stand in solidarity with Diane Abbott who faces intolerable levels of abuse unlike any other politician mainly because the political and media class have normalised her abuse. She needs to be treated with the respect she deserves as the first Black female MP, someone who has broken glass ceiling after glass ceiling – a pioneer of the Labour movement. Enough of your factional games. Restore the Whip Now!”

Fellow NEC member Yasmin Dar said: “Diane Abbott has been a trailblazer in British politics, breaking barriers and enduring unacceptable levels of racism throughout her career. Her resilience and determination serve as a testament to her strength and commitment to standing up for social justice. Restore the whip now!”

Commenting on the failure for the whip to be restored to Diane, Labour NEC member Jess Barnard said: “Diane’s treatment under Starmer’s Labour Party and brings shame on the party and undermines any claims that the party is taking racism seriously.

​“This week we’ve seen one example of the disgusting racist abuse she faces, exposed by the media, but the reality is Diane has been dealing with this on a daily basis for years, with no support from her own party. Labour should restore the whip, apologise to Diane and start properly supporting women of colour in the parliamentary Labour Party, including Diane, Apsana and Zarah.”

Labour NEC member Gemma Bolton added: “Diane should have been celebrated as Britain’s first black woman MP but instead she has suffered years of hostility and abuse at the hands of not only other parties but also her own. It’s now time for Keir to right this wrong – Restore the Whip Now!”

The petition has also been supported by numerous prominent figures on social media  including Grace Blakeley, Andrew Fisher, Alex Nunns and Ben Sellers plus the Labour Women Leading group. Former Unite General Secretary Len McCluskey has also joined the call.

Ian Lavery MP, Apsana Begum MP and Bell Ribeiro-Addy MP also came out for whip to be restored to Abbott. John McDonnell MP described Abbott’s case as a “litmus test”, citing prominent black journalist Gary Younge’s article slamming Labour over its double standards.

The endorsements for Diane Abbott came after local Labour activists wrote to the  Guardian supporting the restoration of the whip.  Last night, Friday, March 15th, around 1,000 local supporters demonstrated their support for the MP outside Hackney Town Hall.

Diane Abbott addressed the rally in support of her, organised by local Black women, telling the crowd they had to “stand firm” against racism. She was greeted with huge applause and chants of “We stand with Diane”.

Earlier this week, Andy McDonald MP had the Labour Whip restored, after a speech he made at a demonstration for a ceasefire in Gaza. A Momentum spokesperson said: “This is a welcome decision – Andy should never have been suspended in the first place. But it raises serious questions over Labour’s processes and their factional abuse under Keir Starmer. Why has it taken nearly five months to investigate a speech at a rally? Why has Diane Abbott – a black woman Keir Starmer rightly hails as a trailblazer – been suspended for an outrageous 11 months now, with no end in sight? And why do black and brown MPs like Diane, Apsana Begum and Kate Osamor feel they suffer worse treatment than their white male counterparts? We are clear – ahead of the General Election, now is the time to unite and take on the Tories. Keir Starmer should now restore the whip to Diane Abbott and Kate Osamor too, and end the abuse of Labour’s procedures for factional gain.”

MARCH 16, 2024

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