Tuesday, March 12, 2024

World's first airport snackbot now driving itself around in Munich

An autonomous snackbot is now rolling around Munich Airport offering weary travellers sustenance. L. Sammetinger/Munich Airport/dpa

Travellers flying through Munich are now set to meet a new robot wandering the halls of the airport and offering drinks and snacks.

The self-driving snackbot Jeeves was developed for use in hotels and health care facilities, but now, for the first time in the world, is being used at an airport, officials at Munich Airport have announced.

The robot is relatively low for a vending machine, about a metre in height, allowing passengers to stop and look down at its large screen to browse and cashlessly purchase soft drinks and snacks.

Once you approach it, the robot stops. Jeeves can be found rolling around the gate area of levels 4 and 5 in Terminal 2 at Munich Airport. Built by a Munich start-up, it is now set to do its rounds at the airport for a year.

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