Thursday, April 25, 2024

Melting Point: Where is the Antarctic Sea Ice?

April 25, 2024
Dr. Sharon Stammerjohn, Senior Research Associate at the Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research of the University of Colorado Boulder, explains the recent Antarctic sea ice minimum lows, the importance of the Southern Ocean in the global climate system, and the implications of a possible regime shift within the Antarctic sea ice system. Watch now to learn from an expert and further your understanding of emerging Antarctic sea ice  

Avian Flu in Antarctica

April 25, 202412:22
This Polar Institute video features esteemed Antarctic experts Dr. Michelle Wille of the University of Melbourne and Dr. Meagan Dewar of the Federation University Australia and SCAR as they explain the severity of the HPAI virus, which has now been confirmed in Antarctica. Join us for an illuminating discussion on the history of avian flu, the discovery of avian flu in wild birds, and the threat the virus poses to the delicate Antarctic ecosystem and the preservation of regional biodiversity.developments.

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