Saturday, April 27, 2024

Ontario NDP will defy keffiyeh ban if Ford doesn't step in: Stiles

Fri, April 26, 2024 

More than 100 people gathered outside the Etobicoke constituency office of Ontario Premier Doug Ford on Friday afternoon to protest the ban on keffiyehs at Queen's Park. (Olivia Bowden/CBC - image credit)

Ontario NDP Leader Marit Stiles has given Premier Doug Ford a deadline to step in and reverse the ban on the wearing of keffiyehs at the provincial legislature or else she says the NDP will defy the ban.

In a video posted on X, formerly Twitter, Stiles said Ford has until May 6 to reverse the ban. That date is when the legislature is scheduled to resume sitting.

"We've been working to reverse the keffiyeh ban inside the walls of Queen's Park, but Doug Ford's MPPs keep blocking us," Stiles said in the video posted on Friday. "So we decided to give the government until May 6 to reverse this unjust rule or expect us and the community to defy the ban."

A keffiyeh is a checkered scarf typically worn in Arab cultures that has come to symbolize solidarity with Palestinian people.

Speaker Ted Arnott banned the scarf in March after a complaint, saying it was being worn to make a political statement, contrary to the rules of the assembly. All four party leaders, including Ford, have called on the speaker to reverse the ban.

Stiles's statement came as more than 100 people gathered outside Ford's constituency office in Etobicoke to express their opposition to the ban. Also on Friday, the Canadian Civil Liberties Association said the speaker's upholding of the ban was "undemocratic," calling the ban "discriminatory towards Arab communities" and a "direct attack on freedom of expression."

Speaker using powers in 'anti-democratic' way: CCLA

On Friday afternoon, demonstrators gathered to express their opposition to the ban, waving Palestinian flags, carrying placards and chanting slogans. Many were wearing keffiyehs.

Ahmad Gaied, a protest organizer and secretary-treasurer of the Ontario Federation of Labour (OFL), said Ford could get his caucus to support a reversal of the ban.

"If Mr. Ford is going to say that he supports the wearing of the keffiyeh, we have some expectations of him, like to talk to his caucus and reverse the ban on the keffiyeh," Gaied said.

OFL President Laura Walton said in a news release that the ban is an attack on Palestinian, Arab and Muslim communities.

"To target a cultural community like this, in 2024, is simply unconscionable," Walton said. "As labour leaders, we won't stand for it. If Ford won't end this racist ban, we'll defy it."

Olivia Bowden/CBC
Olivia Bowden/CBC

The Canadian Civil Liberties Association's director of fundamental freedoms, Anaïs Bussières McNicoll, called the ban divisive in a news release on Friday.

"Labeling a culturally significant piece of clothing such as the keffiyeh as a political prop, and banning it as a result, is discriminatory towards Arab communities and is a direct attack on freedom of expression," McNicoll said.

"As made clear by the Legislative Assembly Act, the Speaker is guardian of the rights of the Assembly's members. He should not be using parliamentary privilege as an excuse to adopt orders that undermine some of the most basic human rights of its members and with it, those of any individual who wishes to enter the legislative building," McNicoll continued.

"By upholding his ban despite the unanimous request made by leaders of all political parties in the legislature that it be lifted, the Speaker is exercising his powers in a profoundly anti-democratic way."

Ford could bring motion to end ban, opposition says

According to the opposition, Ford could introduce a government motion to reverse the ban. The NDP has brought forth two unanimous consent motions to end the ban but both have failed.

"It's time for us to come together as one community and fight anti-Palestinian racism, hate and division," Stiles said.

Liberal MPP John Fraser has said the government has to bring the matter to a vote, rather than opposition parties moving unanimous consent motions that will invariably fail because Progressive Conservatives MPPs will vote against them.

"It needs to be brought to a vote on the floor of the legislature," Fraser said. "It can't be one or two or three people who say no. We live in a democracy."

Ford reiterated this week that he does not support the ban, but that it's up to members of Parliament to make their decision,

"It's very divisive, in my opinion ... It's a very sensitive topic for certain people," he said Tuesday.

Camille Gris Roy/Radio Canada
Camille Gris Roy/Radio Canada

On Thursday, Independent MPP Sarah Jama refused to remove her keffiyeh at Queen's Park and was subsequently banned from returning to the chamber for the rest of the day.

Arnott ordered Jama to leave the chamber, but she refused.

Legislative security did not physically remove her from question period. Arnott said he was not prepared to remove Jama by force.

In an email, Arnott has argued that the wearing of keffiyehs is intended to make an "overt political statement," which is against the legislature's rule that prohibits MPPs from wearing "props, signage or accessories" intended to express a political message.

Jama told reporters in a scrum that the keffiyeh ban is racist and arbitrary and she has pledged to continue wearing the scarf. She said the keffiyeh is a "cultural" piece of clothing in support of Palestinian people.

"This is a political issue, my job is to be political, and so I will continue to wear this garment," Jama said.

‘I think Palestinians deserve an apology’: Canadian educator ‘shocked’ at blatant racism of Ontario legislature's keffiyeh ban

What seemed like a 'flash-in-the-pan' issue has turned into a controversial debat
e that's divided Ontario Premier Doug Ford, the House Speaker, and political parties

Ahmar Khan
Updated Fri, April 26, 2024

It’s been days since a surprise announcement from the speaker of the Legislative Assembly in Ontario banned the keffiyeh, citing it as a political statement. The scarf is a part of the identity of the Palestinian community and has left many in the community reeling over the news.

“I was shocked. It feels obvious that they’re saying to us Palestinians that we’re not welcome. Usually, racism and discrimination are much more subtle,” said Beisan Zubi, a Palestinian-Canadian anti-racism and equity educator.

The keffiyeh symbolizes different parts of Palestinian heritage, from the trade routes through Palestine to the fishnets representing its ties to the sea and the curved lines representing olive trees.

Ontario House Speaker Ted Arnott cited that the keffiyeh is considered more of a political statement in the current climate and could cause division among politicians and anyone if worn in the legislature.

“It’s extremely politically sensitive, obviously. But procedurally, I believe I’ve made the right decision in the sense of past rulings of speakers, precedents and traditions. And in my opinion, having done the research, it appeared to me that the keffiyeh is being worn to make a political statement,” said Arnott.

Beisan Zubi, Palestinian-Canadian equity and antiracism educator launched for educational resources on how to combat discrimination against Palestinian people.
Beisan Zubi, Palestinian-Canadian equity and antiracism educator launched for educational resources on how to combat discrimination against Palestinian people.

Zubi has created educational resources and teaches about anti-Palestinian racism. Zubi said that when she heard the announcement, her first inclination was thinking about her Charter of Rights and Freedoms being violated for discrimination based on ethnic origin.

“I was completely horrified, and the conversations I’ve had with different lawyers, they all feel...confident that this would not pass the legal test in any Ontario Human Rights tribunal,” she said.

I think it needs to be struck down; I think it needs to be apologized for, and I think Palestinians deserve an apology for this.Beisan Zubi, equity and anti-racism educator

MPPs have worn kilts, kirpans, vyshyvankas, and chubas in the legislature, and none of the attire has been considered political symbols in need of suppression.

“There's nothing offensive or untoward about our cultural dress, and we should be allowed to have the same rights as any other Ontarian when it comes to accessing the House of Representatives and observing what happens there,” Zubi said.

She’s not alone in her thoughts. Ontario Premier Doug Ford called for a reversal of the keffiyeh ban in a statement issued Wednesday. Ford said the speaker, and nobody else, made the decision.

"I do not support his decision as it needlessly divides the people of our province. I call on the Speaker to reverse his decision immediately," Ford said.

Speaking at Queen's Park last week, Arnott said he would reconsider the ban with unanimous consent from MPPs.

"If the House believes that the wearing of the keffiyeh in this House, at present, is not a political statement, I would certainly and unequivocally accept the express will of the house with no ifs, ands or buts," he said.

Two motions which required unanimous consent to strike down the ban did not pass. Sources say several Progressive Conservative MPPs voiced their opposition. PC Party MPP Robin Martin, who represents Eglinton–Lawrence, voted against last week's unanimous consent motion.

"We have to follow the rules of the legislature; otherwise, we politicize the entire debate inside the legislature, and that's not what it's about. What it's about is we come there and use our words to persuade, not items of clothing."

When asked if she had defied a directive from the premier, Martin said, "It has nothing to do with the premier; it's a decision of the speaker of the legislative assembly."

Ontario Liberal Leader Bonnie Crombie and NDP leader Marit Stiles have called for a reversal of the keffiyeh ban. Zubi said she thought everything would be fixed following Doug Ford’s statement, citing his opposition and wanting to reverse the speaker’s ban on the keffiyeh. She was stunned to learn that it wasn’t the case.

“I was honestly hoping it would just be a flash-in-the-pan and it would be over, so now we’re in a position where people have doubled down and continue to polarize this issue and us as a community,” she said.

Zubi, who frequents the legislature, has worn her keffiyeh a handful of times, along with other staffers. Earlier this week, Hamilton Centre MPP Sarah Jama was kicked out of the legislature for defying the ban, and wearing a keffiyeh.

Zubi admitted that she doesn’t accept or believe the ban is legally enforceable.

“I don't accept it, to be quite honest. I think it's unjust. I think that a cultural dress in a society like Canada, where they speak of it as a cultural mosaic, should be allowed,” she said.

During the 2021 federal election, Zubi ran with the New Democratic Party in Kitchener Centre, where she said she experienced a great deal of xenophobia and anti-Palestinian racism to her face. It didn’t discourage her then, but she said being inundated with hate for celebrating their culture could significantly impact a younger person.

“I see so many young Palestinians right now who are trying to navigate a world that they see hates their identity and hates their culture and hates their community,” she said. “I think Palestinians kind of grow up recognizing that anti-Palestinian racism has always been a facet of our lives in Western society.”

The last keffiyeh manufacturer in Palestine, Hibrawi has had backorders, and is almost always sold out. To Zubi, that, coupled with the fact that she sees more and more keffiyehs daily, clearly indicates that things are changing in society. She added that while some are committed to making Palestinian people seem like the bad guys, it is clear to her that the tides have turned over the past six months.

close-up of a Palestinian headscarf or kufiya. The traditional black and white headscarf of the Arab man (Keffiyeh). The weave forms a diagonal path

“When I wear my keffiyeh, I get looks or comments. What has changed, though, is the solidarity,” she said.

As for the political situation, Zubi noted that in her discussions with other groups, many agreed the ban was a tough pill to swallow — and they would test the strength of the ban in a legal setting.

“I think this is a case in which you cannot put the toothpaste back in the tube. This furthered the silencing, the erasure and racism against Palestinians from Conservatives,” she said.

As for Arnott, Martin, and other PC MPPs who have kept the keffiyeh ban in place, Zubi said she hopes they will come to terms with the harm they are perpetuating and the fear they’re mongering.

If a scarf is causing such consternation, you need to look in the mirror and reflect on why that is, not discriminate against an entire group of people.Beisan Zubi, equity and anti-racism educator

Zubi noted that she intends to wear her keffiyeh to the Ontario legislature the next time she is there.

“I think that there will be pushback, and Palestinians and those who support us will continue wearing their keffiyehs, I know that,” she said.

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