Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Parties and NGOs in North-East Syria call for action against Turkish invasion attacks

31 political parties and civil society organisations in North and East Syria strongly condemned the attacks of the occupying Turkish state and said: "We call on all our people to take action in all areas to stop the Turkish state's attacks on all areas."

Monday, 22 April 2024,

Political parties and civil society organisations held a joint press conference at the Diplomatic Research and Consultancy Centre in Qamishlo and condemned the Turkish state's invasion attacks against South Kurdistan and North and East Syria.

Adnan Izo, Head of the Legal Affairs Office of the Conservative Party, read the joint statement on behalf of the parties and organisations, which said the following:

'The Turkish regime demonstrates its fascist understanding by its hostility towards justice and the rights of peoples and by violating the sovereignty of states as defined by international treaties.

The Turkish state, which rejects democratic endeavours as contrary to its interests, resorts to war when it is defeated by the will of the people.

The Turkish regime is the main cause of instability in the region with the invasions it carries out with the support of terrorist groups, spreading war and hatred among the peoples, as well as violating the sovereign rights of states and creating internal crises.

The Turkish regime, arming its media before the army, is violating the sovereignty of the Iraqi-Kurdistan Region by launching a new invasion attack on the pretext of war against the guerrillas protecting the Kurdish people in the Medya Defence Zones and on the pretext of a secure border zone between Turkey and Iraq.

This fascist regime, in order to put an end to the cause of the Kurdish people who want to obtain their rights, carries out the biggest massacres and uses internationally banned weapons.

With all its attempts, it is trying to draw the Kurdish forces into a war against the guerrilla, an intra-Kurdish war.

As Kurdish, Arab, Syriac and Assyrian political parties and organisations in Rojavayê (Western) Kurdistan and North-East Syria, we strongly condemn the invasion attacks.

We call on the United Nations (UN), the European Union (EU), all peaceful and democratic countries and forces to prevent Turkey's attacks against our people and to solve the Kurdish question in a democratic and just manner.

We call on the forces of Kurdistan not to be a partner in the attacks of the Turkish state against the guerrillas.

We call on the Iraqi government and the government of Bashurê (Southern) Kurdistan to reject these attacks, not to go to war and to complain to the UN Security Council about Turkey's attacks on their territory.

We call on all our people to mobilise in all areas to stop the Turkish state's attacks on all areas."

The parties and civil society organisations that signed the statement are as follows:

1- Democratic Union Party (PYD)

2- Democratic Green Party

3- Kurdistan Democratic Peace Party

4- Communist Party of Kurdistan

5- Syrian Kurdish Democratic Party (Party)

6- Syrian Kurdish Democratic Party

7- Syrian Kurdish Left Party

8- Syrian Kurdish Democratic Left Party

9- Future of Syria Party

10- Kurdistan Democratic Change Party

11- Kurdistan Innovation Party

12- Kurdistan Labour Party

13- Arab National Committee

14- Syrian Democracy and Modernity Party

15- Syrian Kurdish Democratic Alliance Party

16- Syrian Reform Party

17- Assyrian Democratic Party

18- Kurdistan Brotherhood Party

19- Syrian Kurdish Democratic Roj Party

20- Democratic Society Movement (TEV-DEM)

21- Kongra Star

22- Conservative Party

23- Kurdistan Future Movement

24- Rojavayê Kurdistan- Kurdistan Democratic Party

25- Tensiq El Weteniye - Movement for Democratic Change

26- Syriac Unity Party

27- Kurdistan National Unity Party

28- Kurdish Democratic Party-Syria (Party)

29- Syrian Kurdish Democratic Union Party (Yekîtî)

30-Syrian Left Revolutionary Movement

31- Suraya Party

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