Tuesday, April 30, 2024

A supreme failure: How the most corrupt high court ever is getting cover from the press

D. Earl Stephens
April 30, 2024

Clarence Thomas (Photo via Shutterstock)

On Thursday, we got confirmation that our Supreme Court is completely in the tank for Donald Trump and his repellent Republicans, and our country very well might not survive it.

By having the audacity to even schedule oral arguments to consider whether one man in America can be granted immunity, and is above the laws that guide the rest of us, this rogue, corrupt court is incinerating one of the most basic tenets of our Democracy right in front of our eyes.

This 6-3 Conservative Court is also making it plain to us in no uncertain terms that they believe themselves to be above the laws that the rest of us must follow. They are flaunting the fact that they are completely untouchable and unimpeachable, and can just do whatever the hell it is they want.

The morally busted majority on this court is now using its unbridled power with all the subtlety of a sledgehammer as it swings hard to nail the door shut on 248 years of an evolving Democracy, while pushing us back to a hopeless time when crooked kings ruled with impunity and were above it all.

READ: Trump, flatulence and the last taboo

So brazen and corrupt is this reprehensible Gang of Sicks, it is even going so far as to protect its own membership from criminality in the Attack on America.

We KNOW that Justice Clarence Thomas’ wife, Ginny, was hip-deep in Trump’s violent insurrection on January 6. And still, he shamelessly did not recuse himself from this session. In fact, there has been no indication that he even gave this a whiff of consideration.

This is patently absurd. There is no way in the world this ghastly man can be an impartial juror in a decision to consider whether Trump is immune from prosecution in his attack. His wife was in on the crime, for God’s sake. She was messaging with the White House DURING the attack.

Everybody knows this.

Instead, by all indications, Thomas put his fat thumb on the scale for his wife’s friend, Trump. The very Trump who was responsible for placing three other Radical Right justices besides the heinous Thomas onto this revolting court of no-good liars.

During this tenuous time in our history, it is fair to surmise that there will never be any trial ever for the most grievous attack on our Capitol since the Civil War, because the most powerful judicial body in the world has debts to pay to the anti-American dark powers which helped fuel the attempted coup, and placed them on the court.

Our 6-3 Supreme Court is telling us wide out in the open they intend to act on behalf of the most dangerous man on Earth and his army of authoritarian lowlifes.

If they will back the play of an evil man like this, what else are they capable of?

We are seeing now the elimination of Roe was nothing but a warmup act for the Gang of Sicks. They have already stepped on and snuffed out laws protecting our vote and our environment. They have ruled that corporations are people, and that guns have more rights than our children, who are being slaughtered by the hundreds in our schools.

Everybody who truly loves this country and what she stands for should be absolutely terrified, because we simply cannot continue to sustain this punishing attack and expect to survive.

The end is near, good people, unless we rise up and say enough, and frankly it’s very hard to see that happening.

I sit here and type all these true and terrible things with the fear that most people in this country are not aware of this peril. I’ll wager 75 percent of Americans have absolutely no idea how dangerous this court is, and what their one-after-another evil rulings portend.

Do they even know that things are only going to get worse for decades to come thanks to the insane lifetime appointments of these evil-doers?

If they don’t know this, WHY don’t they know it? Willing ignorance is a large part sure, but I am also looking at you, Corporate Media.

With our Democracy under assault while the laws that should be protecting us are beaten and bruised, how come you are not sounding the alarms to inform everybody of this danger?

Why, given everything I just reported here, was this headline not leading every national newspaper and TV chyron in America on Friday:


No less is on the line right now. So what in the hell is going on here????

Either our national press is proving yet again they are not up to covering and reporting on the most ominous, terrifying moment in our nation’s long history, or … they are in on it.

Honestly, after decades in the business, I never EVER thought I’d allege either of these two things — especially the second — but how else to explain it?

Instead of being on wartime footing and treating these multi-pronged attacks on America with the urgency and gusto they deserve, our major media enterprises are comporting themselves like a bunch of complete amateurs who either can’t identify and/or are failing to report on the biggest story in the world accurately.

How in the hell are they missing this? Why are they missing this?

Is it because they really are this atrocious at their jobs, or is it because they somehow see it to be in their best interests to keep things close, and to make sure we hear from both sides in this vicious one-sided attack on America.

The job of the working press is to understand the news they are covering, distill it, and give it the heft it deserves. If this legitimate threat to our Democracy can barely get a rise out of them, we are not going to make it.

And either are they.

Every American should be on high alert right now, and demanding that the people with the power and resources sound the alarms and start acting with the urgency these perilous times demand.

I am telling you this as a person who used to run a newsroom, served his country, and can smell the smoke and see the flames that will most certainly incinerate us if we don’t take to the high ground, and do whatever we can to spread this horrifying warning far and wide.

People need to know our Supreme Court has it in for us, even if our pathetic national press is loathe to report it this way.

We are but six months from the most consequential election in American history, and there is no time to waste.

We must do everything we can to save ourselves.

READ: How Fox News is lying about Trump’s trial

D. Earl Stephens is the author of “Toxic Tales: A Caustic Collection of Donald J. Trump’s Very Important Letters” and finished up a 30-year career in journalism as the Managing Editor of Stars and Stripes. Follow @EarlofEnough and on his website.

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