Monday, April 22, 2024

Tory ministers accused of ‘rigging the rules’ to help rail firm bosses get bonuses

'They are desperate to help their chums, the privateers, keep their private snouts in the public trough'

Hannah Davenport 

The Shadow Transport Secretary has accused the Tories of a “scandalous misuse of taxpayers’ money” after it was revealed that more rail operators have had their performance targets lowered, helping company bosses get bonuses.

At least eight rail firms have had their performance targets lowered by the Government as Labour accused ministers of “rigging the rules” to reward “abject failure”.

In February it was reported that Tory ministers cut the standards for train cleanliness, ticketing, staffing and customer services at Govia Thameslink Railway, after the company had failed to reach service quality standards on most measures.

Now the Mirror has revealed that a further seven other operators have had service standards on key measures lowered, after failures to meet targets. Government rule changes in 2020 mean that companies are now paid an annual fee for operating lines and have the chance to earn bonuses for performance on top.

Rail bosses have raked in billions in bonus payments from the Government, with the two Chief Executive of First Group, which owns major stakes in South Western Railway, sharing a £1.3m bonus.

Labour has urged the National Audit Office to launch an investigation into the scandal as Shadow Transport Secretary Louise Haigh laid out Labour’s plan to renationalise the railways.

“Rather than demand better on behalf of passengers and taxpayers, ministers appear to be engaged in a last, desperate attempt to prop up these failing rail firms,” Haigh accused.

“With Labour change is coming – we will bring our railways back into public ownership as contracts expire, ending this something-for-nothing culture once and for all.”

Train drivers’ union Aslef accused the Tories of attempting to de-rail Labour’s plans to renationalise rail by easing performance targets for train bosses.

In a statement to the Morning Star, an Aslef spokesperson said: “They are desperate to help their chums, the privateers, keep their private snouts in the public trough.”

The rail workers union RMT responded on X: “Cut standards, lower targets, reward failure: The Tories abysmal railway legacy.”

A Department for Transport spokesman said: “Performance targets are regularly reviewed to ensure they end up delivering meaningful improvements for passengers, and we continue to hold operators to account for matters within their control.”

(Image Credit: Simon Dawson / No 10 Downing Street)

Hannah Davenport is news reporter at Left Foot Forward, focusing on trade unions and environmental issues

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